Chapter 8

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Chaeyoung sat on her chair, where she always sits. She noticed Mina wasn't sitting beside her and went back to the seat she always sat at before she met Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung saw Mina and Sooyoung, holding hands smiling at each other. "Bullshit." She mumbles as she rolled her eyes. "Just wait until she breaks your heart Sooyoung, like she did to mine. I know we weren't even dating but, I felt something." Chaeyoung thought.

"I love you Mina!" said Joy smiling.

"I love you too, Joy." Mina smiled back, leaning in for a kiss.

"You just fucking met her this morning." Chaeyoung mumbled, biting her lips in anger. "How can she move on, so fast? Whatever."

The teacher, Mr Kim didn't really care about the students behavior, he let some work for them to do and just sat in his desk. Of course, most of the students didn't do the work and started getting up and talking to their friends. But i continued on doing my maths. When I was done, I didn't know what else to do but just stare at Mina. I took out one of my Harry Potter books so no one could see me looking at her. Her light red lips moving anytime she'd speak, her eyes looking like a pair of shiny diamonds, and her hair flip was just so perfect. Sooyoung is so lucky. Wait, what hell? I know her more! S-so, I should have her. Gosh, I'm acting like a 4 year old. Chaeyoung said in her mind, she didn't keep her eyes of Mina until the bell rang.

"Why the hell did I look at her for? Oh well." Chaeyoung got out of the classroom and walked to her locker. To get her books for the next class.

"Chaeyoung-ah! Hey Chaeyoung!" Dahyun cane speed walking to Chaeyoung and hugged her tightly.
"I missed you so much, Chae. I'm so so so so sorry about what happened." She kept on hugging onto her.

"I missed you too, unnie."

"So, I'm guessing you heard that Mina and, Sooyoung are...." Dahyun let go of the hug. "Yep, I'm not surprised because. It's Mina! The school's number one player!"

"That is true-" Out of nowhere, Sooyoung came. "Dahyun! Hi! Uhm, can you excuse us for a few? I want to speak with Chaeyoung privately."
Dahyun nodded and walked away.

"So, hi Chaeyoung. You look, pretty. Really pretty." Sooyoung caressed her shoulders, making Chaeyoung a little bit uncomfortable. She soon pushed her into the Janitors room and making sure it was locked. "What fuck are you doing?"

-!A bit of smut ahead! ⚠️ -
Sooyoung didn't reply, just smiled. She soon started to unzip Chaeyoung's shorts revealing her pink panties. "S-stop! You have a girlfriend!" Sooyoung didn't care,and started to suck on Chaeyoung's neck. Making her let out sounds of pleasure a small bit. "Mmh~ LEAVE ME!"
"Be quiet, you don't want to get caught, don't you~?" Sooyoung started to rub Chaeyoung down there, slowly.
"S-shit... STOP!" Chaeyoung slapped her hand away aggressively. "Why did you do that? Pervert!"

"Aish. get dressed up." Sooyoung rolled her eyes and got out of the room.

I was shocked. "What the hell happened? And why did she do that? She almost took my virginity!"

-End of Chapter 9-

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