Chaper 9

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The bell rang, which was time for lunch. I was so scared, so many thoughts were running through my head. "Why did she do that to me? Will she tell the whole school? What will my parents think? It's not like I wanted this..." Chaeyoung took her tray and sat at a empty table. Dahyun and Jihyo soon came to sit beside her.

"Soo, what did you and Sooyoung talk about Chae?" Dahyun asked after taking a bite of her chicken.

"Uhm..we uh.."Chaeyoung frowned, biting her lip. "What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Jihyo asked, thinking something isn't right. Chaeyoung nodded, "I just. Don't feel so good right now. Sooyoung kissed me when I didn't want her too, she also took off my shorts. Jihyo and Dahyun already got mad at Sooyoung after I said that. They looked at each other with disgusted looks.

"I swear to god this bitch needs to burn." Jihyo said with anger.

Dahyun knew what to do, she stood on top of the lunch table and shouted.
"Park fucking Sooyoung is a cheater. She kissed Son Chaeyoung today even though she is dating Myoui Mina! I have proof!!"

Everybody gasped and stared at Sooyoung, who was blushing madly and hid her face. Mina is a player but she doesn't cheat on the girls, she breaks up with them. "Are you fucking serious?" Mina only got mad since she done that to Chaeyoung.

"I'm going to fucking kill, her, how dare she lay her fingers on my precious chae like that. I shouldnt of just left her. then i would've ptotected her from that dumbass." Mina said in her mind.

"Of course not! Why would you believe her?" Sooyoung hissed.
Mina took a big sigh before speaking. "Because I trust her more. Now if you excuse, I'm going to go sit with my real friends. Jeongyeon, Nayeon. Follow me." The two girls nodded and walked to the table where Chaeyoung was sitting.

Jihyo gasped and looked down once she saw Mina. She tried her best to hide her face from her.

"heY GRILLS" Nayeon said excitingly "OMG TACOS GimME PLEASE!!!!!"

"Nayeonie, you're drunk- she snuck in alcohol even though she is underage." Jeongyeon chuckled.


"In 4 months."

"Aw you two are sooo cutee~~~" Mina teased. "Shushh. Mina, you and Chaeyo-" Mina cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "I'll rip your neck off you continue your sentence-" she said jokingly.

"Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie, you two never apologized. For the 'instagram' thingy. Chaeyoung said, lifting her heard up.

"Oh that, we deleted the account like 2 days after. We are so so sorry Chaeyoung, that prank was too far and mean. Don't worry, we're nice!" Jeongyeon said with a smile. "Omg omg i need to go the the bathroom like right now, I feel so....ugh" Nayeon held her stomach in pain.

"Comeon, I'll help you there." She held hands with Nayeon while walking to the bathroom.

"Are they dating?" Questioned Dahyun.
"Yup, but they are just denying it anytime someone asks." Mina replied.

"OMG SHIP NAME!" Squealed Chaeyoung. "I'm thinking...2Yeon? Because they both have yeon in their name!"

"That's a good idea! 2yeon it is!" Mina just looked at who said that. Realizing it was Chaeyoung. She started to feel bad as she remembered the words she said to her during the game of truth or dare.

••• •••
"Are you using me?"

"I'm upset. Welp, bye..."
••• •••

"Chaeyoung..." Mina said quietly, "I'm sorry." Chaeyoung looked up at
Mina, knowing what she meant. "No, I'm sorry. I just overreacted." She gave Mina a weak smile. "Do you want to go to the park with me right after school?"

Mina nodded, the bell rang. "Seeyou later chaeng!"

-After school-

Chaeyoung was walking to the park with Mina close by her side. she wanted to hold hands with here but was a bit shy. "Unnie. W-would you like to hold hands?" she stuttered. "Of course~!" Mina smiled at her, holding her hand. Their fingers intertwined.

"Waah~ the lake is glistening, so beautiful!" Chaeyoung ran up to the lake, hands still connected with Mina's. "You're right Chaeyoungie, it is. But you're more prettier."

"Aw that's sweet, you're cute~!" She giggled. "I'm cute?" Mina chuckled, soon pulling Chaeyoung's waist closer to her body, whispering in her ear. "I'm not cute in bed sweety." She gently bit on Chaeyoung's earlobe making Chaeyoung shiver. "M-mina-"

She let go and smiled "What about now?"

"I- fine." Chaeyoung smiled and blushed slightly. She liked the feeling of that, she wanted more.

Mina heard the ice cream truck sound, "Ice cream! Thank god, I'm so hungry. Comeon, lets go!" She took Chaeyoung's hand and ran to the truck.

"I'll pay, I'll get whatever you're getting. What do you want?" Mina took out some money.

"Strawberry ice cream please. My favorite!"

Mina nodded. "2 strawberry ice cream please!"

A few minutes has passed, Mina and Chaeyoung were sitting on the bench licking their ice creams. "This is so sweet. I'm already finishing this so fast!"

Mina giggled, you have ice cream there. She used her thumb the wipe the ice cream of Chaeyoung's cheek.

Chaeyoung blushed again. "Thank you unnie!"

"I've noticed, you blush a lot when I'm with you." She teased Chaeyoung. "I-I do?"

"You do, cutie. Chaeyoung, can I ask about what happened with you and Sooyoung?"

"Sooyoung, she kissed me. I didn't want her to. Her breath was bad as shit by the way."

Mina could already feel her self getting angry.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with her tomorrow for hurting you."

-End of chapter 10-

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