Chapter 4

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Mina's POV

I smiled deeply at the message. The time was 10:59pm and I was getting tired, so I turned on my alarm on my phone then put it down. I soon fell asleep, dreaming.

Time Skip To School

Chaeyoung's POV

Chaeyoung was at the corridors, speaking with Dahyun. Dahyun talked about her new dog and Chaeyoung talked about being friends with Mina. Dahyun's eye widened once she heard "Me and Mina are getting along, we're friends now" Dahyun paused for a moment, then jokingly hit my forehead with her fingers. "Are you crazy Chaeyoung?" Dahyun said in a serious tone, usually she never calls me Chaeyoung, she always says my nickname Chae. I know she is getting serious when she calls me by my real name.

"Is that a problem?" I answered back, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. "Yes it's a problem! You do realize that idiot, Mina is trying being friends with you, then have an relationship with you, she is trying to have sex with you!" Dahyun said more louder. "I used to believe that Mina's done that to other girls, but this one feels different" Chaeyoung put her hands on her hips, defending Mina. "Wow Chaeyoung. I can't believe you're actually doing this." "Come back to me when you're done hanging out with that girl" Dahyun looked me up and down, then stormed off to her other friends.

Dahyun's POV

I walked to my friends, Momo and Jihyo. "I'm so pissed right now guys" Dahyun stared at the floor, crossing her arms. "What's the matter Dahyun?" Jihyo said, worrying. "You know Chaeyoung--" "Oh! That girl you like? That you always talk about?" Momo interrupted her. Jihyo rolled her eyes "Shut the fuck up Momo. Sorry Dahyunie, continue"
"Chaeyoung has been hanging out with Mina a lot. You know Mina and her trouble" Dahyun turned her head, glaring at Mina talking to her friends.
"I just don't want her to get hurt again" Dahyun sighed then looked down at the floor. "I know, maybe confront Mina, and tell her to be careful?" Jihyo added in. "Nah, it'll make her seem desperate for her love~" Momo said, flipping her hair. "Momo, I swear to god if you won't shut up about that I'll slap you back to Japan-" Jihyo had enough of Momo being childish. "That's impossible dumbass" Momo rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I was joking, jerk"
"No shit, Thomas the fucking tank engine."

There was a pause. Both Jihyo and Dahyun was shocked, eyes widening. Jihyo bit her lips and started to walk away, looking down. "You know I hate it when people call me that"

Dahyun looked at Momo "Momo, that was too far-" Momo rolled her eyes, muttered "Fuck off" to Dahyun. Dahyun heard what Momo said, she got a little pissed. "What did you say?"

"I said, fuck off" Momo said in a clearer voice.

The bell rang, Dahyun and Mina had the same history class, while Momo and Chae had the same English class.

English Class

Momo & Chaeyoung

Momo's POV

I sat down at my desk, laying my stuff out. In front of me was Chaeyoung, she's so beautiful, I could literally stare at her pretty face for hours. I was pretty good friends with her until Kim Dahyun came, ever since she came, Chaeng forgot about me. I was so angry, instead of letting my anger out at them. I let it out at home, I was still friends with Dahyun because I didn't want to seem jealous and I wanted to get closer to Chaeyoung, though I really hate Dahyun. But now that Mina's here makes me so angry and worse! Both of them will pay. I know just how. I smirked, and got out of my seat, walking towards Chaeyoung. "Hi Chaeng! Remember me? Your good old friend that you managed to forget about.....!" Momo waved, her left eye was twitching. "Oh, hello... Mimi? Long time no see!" Chaeyoung smiled and waved back at the girl. Momo sighed "It's Momo. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out at my place today, to catch up and all. You need to come around 5:39pm." Chaeyoung thought about it for a few seconds and agreed "Sure! I'd love to see what's new with my friends I haven't heard of in a while" It hurt Momo a little when Chae said that. "Good" Momo went back to her seat and when she saw the teacher walk in.

History class

Dahyun & Mina

Mina's POV

I was talking with my best friend Nayeon, who's also an popular girl. While listening to what she was saying, I saw Dahyun writing things down, moving her hair away from her face and placing it behind her ear anytime it got in her way, she looked so beautiful doing that. So beautiful, that I'd like to kiss her. "Minaaaa! I'm talking to you!" Nayeon pouted resting her fists on her chin." Mina turned to Nayeon "Sorry unnie. I just got distracted" Mina stopped staring at Dahyun, then looked at Nayeon. Shit, what am I doing? I like Chaeyoung, I really do. She's different from the other girls. Nayeon sighed "It's fine, now about Jeongyeon. I don't think she likes me back" Mina raised both of her eyebrows "Seriously? Can't you not see the way she looks at you. She always gives you the 'Let's fuck' Look."
"More like a 'Disgusted' look "

"She likes you! Okay! You should be grateful that the person you like, likes you back..." Mina took a big sigh and got out her history books.

"Eh? You like someone, spill" Nayeon smirked and shifted her desk a little bit closer to Mina. "Uh, Chaeyoung. From my maths class". Nayeon titled her head "Son...Chaeyoung?"
"Yep" Mina said, happily. Nayeon stuck her tongue out a little and quietly said "Ew" "What do you mean ew? Have you even seen her pictures that she posts on instagram? She's so adorable but hot at the same time."
"What's her username?"


"baby_tiger? thanks!"

"For what?"

"You'll see"

End of chapter 4

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