Chapter 7

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The chapter you have been waiting for. is finally here!
Also, 2.18k views! omg that's a lot, i'm so happy 2.18k of you have read my story and i hope you're enjoying it. this story is still growing and hopefully it will get more views. But thanks guys -sends hugs-

- "Are you using me?"

"Uhm, I-I was. I mean, not anymore-" Mina stuttered.

"Are you serious? You're kidding. I hope you are. I don't care if you've stopped using me for, gosh... You still done it and I'm upset. Welp, Bye!" Chaeyoung sighed after giving out rudely and exited Mina's house.

A few minutes after, she wiped a tear from her eye. Has she made the wrong choice? She thought. "I hope Mina doesn't hate me after what I said, maybe I was too harsh." She mumbled.

-Mina's POV-

Mina just froze there, her voice shaking. Had the love of her life really just, ended their friendship? She wasn't sure. Mina was too sad to even call or text Chaeyoung. Instead she just sat on her bed, knees up to her chest. She was ready for real love, where she can cuddle with Chaeyoung. She wanted to be the one who will always say she loves her and kiss her neck. "She's mad at me, again..."

-Chaeyoung's POV-

Chaeyoung was in her room, on her phone trying to forget about what happened. "I'm stupid, maybe I'm still...jealous? Gosh, looking at Mina and Dahyun kissing, I want Mina to kiss me like that too!" She pouted slightly. "I'll apologize tomorrow. I just had to screw everything up, again."
She soon fell asleep on her bed.

-The next day-
Chaeyoung was outside the school entrance, talking with Jihyo about what happened with Dahyun and Mina. "What the hell? I, uh... I'm speechless. But if you need a hug or support, you can always tell me." Jihyo hugged her warmly. "Thanks unnie. I needed that." She sighed hugging back.

"So, are you and Dahyun going to make up? Like, you can't just end a friendship like that."

"I guess you're right, i'l talk with her after sch-" I was cut off by loud screaming.


"Pherhaps they're, dating? Oh great, just to make my day even better." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

"Uhm, Chaeyoug. I think you're forgetting she's a player. Obviously Sooyoung is so desperate for Mina, this is the first time they had a conversation. And their already dating. Maybe she's trying to make you jealous or something." Jihyo shrugged.

"You may be right, I hope you are. J want to be Mina's girlfriend, not just one of her 'victims'. Chaeyoung looked at the floor biting her bottom lips.

Chaeyoung had the urge to walk up to the both of them and slap Sooyoung, and Mina would French kiss Chaeyoung in front of everyone. But of course that wouldn't happen. "What the- what hell am I thinking? Anyways, I got to go to maths now. See ya unnie!"

"Bye Chaeyoungie!" Jihyo waved goodbye.

-End of Chapter 8-

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