Chapter 12

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uhh there will be homophobic thing said in this chapter, just a warning for the people that'll get offended.

HIII TOFU!" Nayeon said loudly, giving Dahyun and really big hug, squeezing her. "OH CHAEYOUNG-AH" Nayeon done the same thing to Chaeyoung. After that, dahyun and chae were just rubbing their sides to calm down the pain. "Ow unnie!" Chaeyoung whined. "What the- Nayeonie, I told you to be careful with the hugging!" Jeongyeon came after her.

"Yeah, why are you two even here? i didn't invite you, lol" Dahyun crossed her arms. "Oh yeah, we were just going to talk about... MICHAENG!"

"oh god no." The youngest buried her face onto the palms of her hand.

"sOoOo hOw was the park with her?" Nayeon sat down, stuffing some of her beer into her bag, but Jeongyeon taking it off her. "You're still 17, you could go for jail for underage drinking" Nayeon just rolled her eyes, smirking.

"How did you know? Anyways. It was really fun! She bought me ice cream."

"You need to tell Mina that you like her! It's obvious!" Dahyun chuckled.



"FINE I'll TELL HER! I'm going to her house right after I leave this house. I'll tell her there." Chaeyoung smiled, blushing lightly.

"oOOH IN HER BEDROOM I SEE?" Nayeon kept on winking, elbowing Jeongyeon's arms and raising her eyebrows repeatedly to see if she'd get the joke.


"CHAEYOUNG GO TO HER HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" Dahyun  pushed her to the door. "W-what!? But not yet!"

"Shut up and make out with her!" Dahyun smirked evilly, locking the door.

"Shit. Cool friends I have!" Chaeyoung said sarcastically. She called an uber to take her to mina's place.


Chaeyoung got out off the car, paying the driver and thanking him. She rang the doorbell waiting for an answer. In less than 20 seconds the door opened. Chaeyoung saw Mina in a black hoodie and ripped skinny jeans. "H-hi..!" She stuttered, blushing at the older's beauty. "Heya~! Come in!" Mina took Chaeyoung's wrist making her come inside, she locked the door and went to Mina's bedroom. She lay her back on the bed, closing her eyes. "I have something to tell you unnie..." Chaeyoung bit her inside cheek. "Oh? What is it?" Mina locked the bedroom door, laying down beside Chaeyoung facing her.

"Mina, I-I- C-can you be my girlf-friend?" Chaeyoung stuttered, cringing at herself.

Mina smiled at the blushing girl, she kissed Chaeyoung on the lips for quite a few seconds. "I'll take that as a yes-" Chaeyoung was happy, very happy. She stared into Mina's beautiful eyes which made her blush visibly.

Chaeyoung was about to sit up but Mina pushed her back down, pinning her down and holding both of her wrists. "Mina...we just-"

"Shush." Mina began to kiss Chaeyoung's lips. "But I'm not ready..." Chaeyoung moved her head to the side.

"Ah, that's alright." Mina let go of the younger's wrists. "I guess I should tell my mom. Her Korean isn't that great, it's broken. Sorry about that!" She held onto Chaeyoung's hand while walking downstairs. "It's fine!" Chaeyoung gave her a cute smile which made Mina's heart melt.

"M-mom. Can we speak to you please?" She spoke in Japanese. Her mom nodded, dropping her newspaper smiling at me. "So, I have a girlfriend."

"Mina, please stop doing that. The poor girls did not deserve that! You wouldn't like to date her sweetie." She turned her head to Chaeyoung.

"W-what did she say?" Chaeyoung stuttered, knowing something was wrong. "Don't worry."

"No mom, this one is actually serious. I love her, I really do!" Mina pouted, kissing her on the cheek.

Mina's mom stared at her for a few seconds. smiling at both and hugging them. "Well, congratulations you too!"

"Thank you Mrs Myoui." Chaeyoung let out a sigh of relief. "I should tell my parents now..."

"Oh, that's right. See you!!" Mrs Myoui waved.


"M-mina, I'm scared." Chaeyoung held onto Mina's arm tight. "Aw, it'll be okay."

"N-no... my mom. She's homophobic, my dad isn't though." Chaeyoung rubbed her arm, feeling extremely nervous. Mina noticed this and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer pecking her on the head. Chaeyoung unlocked the door then locked it once they got in.

She opened the living room door, knowing they were there. "Mom dad, I should've told you guys earlier... I.." Chaeyoung bit her lip, turning her sleeves into sweater paws. "What is it Chaeyoung?" Her mom tilting her head.

"That I.. I am lesbian and I have a girlfriend." She held hands with Mina again, smiling proudly. Chaeyoung's mom just sat there, almost gagging. "That's disgusting. I can't even look at you. She turned her head away, covering her eyes. "What do you mean disgusting? They love each other."

"I mean, I never really liked the idea of people dating the same sex. It's kinda gross..."

"Gross? I don't really care if you don't like gays or not, just don't be a dick and say offensive things like what you're doing now. I seriously don't have time for this." Mina walked to the door, waiting for chaeyoung to follow, and she did.

"C-can I stay at yours for the night?"

"Of course"
Tears were rolling down Chaeyoung's cheeks. "I don't want to talk to her..."

"Cheer up princess." Mina frowned at the sight of her girlfriend being sad. She wiped some tears away from Chaeyoung's cheek. "I'll make you hot chocolate." Mina smiled, opening the door for her. "T-thanks." Chaeyoung walked to Mina's bedroom, getting comfortable.

A few minutes passed, and Mina came back with a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. "Here you go babe." Mina handed the hot chocolate to Chaeyoung. "Thank you." Chaeyoung drank some of the hot chcoo given to her. "Mmh, it tastes so good!" Chaeyoung licked her lips.

"You have some whipped cream on your nose, cute." Mina wiped it off, giggling. "I feel a little bit uncomfortable, I'll change my shirt-"

Mina got up and took off her shirt. Revealing her toned abs. Chaeyoung saw this and choked on her drink a bit. "Are you okay?" Mina turned around, making it even more visible. Chaeyoung nodded, putting her hot chocolate down. "Alright then." Mina finally put on a comfortable hoodie, sitting right next to Chaeyoung. "Uh, Mina. When did you move to Korea?"

"When I was 14, why?"

"I just wanted to know." Chaeyoung looked at the older, meeting her eyes. "Your eyes are so beautiful..."

"Thank you, I can say the same for you." Mina flashed a smile at her, caressing her cheeks.

"I don't think I've told you this but, I had an ex girlfriend."

-End of Chapter 13-

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