Chapter 6

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"Mina..." I rested my hand on the cheek that Mina slapped me on. "I'm so, so sorry. I'm fucking crazy." I whispered

Mina shook her head and sighed. "Come sit down, and we'll all explain everything."

"I'll talk first." Dahyun was a bit sad because she was afraid that she would've lost her best friend.

"I think I should do explaining as well. I'll go last" Momo walked in, hands behind her back feeling guilty that she caused all of this.

"So, Momo forced me and Mina to kiss. But we refused because we don't like each other, and I never ever wanted to kiss that, sick, careless girl Mina.

Mina was about to speak, slightly getting up. But Chaeyoung touched her shoulder gently to tell her to stop.

"All of a sudden, Momo pushed my head so me lips would kiss Mina. Oh, I was angry and shocked at the first time"

"Then why did you guys continue to kiss? It seemed you really liked the kiss, you didn't even know I was there. God knows what more would've happened if I wasn't there." Chaeyoung bit her lips and looked down, she placed her hands on her laps.

Mina looked at Chaeyoung, feeling really terrible. "The kiss felt...good, so we continued" Dahyun replied

"But Chaeyoung. Why are you acting like this? They're just kissing, they can date if they want. It's not like you're in a relationship with any of them, so I really don't get why you're acting as if one of them cheated on you."

Chaeyoung knew the reason why she suddenly became jealous. "It was just...a trigger. Also that I thought that Dahyun is a hypocrite because she always tells me to stay away from Mina, when I literally just saw her kissing her." Dahyun felt hurt, because she knew what her trigger was.

"A trigger?" Mina thought.

"I guess its my turn now. I hated the kiss at first, I have two reasons. The first reason is that, I hate Dahyun. I can hear the things she says about me. And the second reason is that I like some one else."

Momo sighs before speaking. "This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for me. I'll just say this in short simple words. I wanted Mina and Dahyun to kiss, I know Chaeyoung is currently in a fight with Dahyun and that Chaeyoung likes Mina."

"What? Who said I liked her?"

"Shh! But I love Chaeyoung. Me and Chaeyoung would've been dating if it weren't for fucking Dahyun! So once Chaeng would get upset, I would comfort her and have her all to myself! But I guess...the plan is ruined."

"You're right, it is ruined. Bye! And I'm taking the gifts back." Chaeyoung got up, grabbed her bag and the gifts, walking out.

Mina's POV

"I'm going too" Mina walked out, and started to follow Chaeyoung. "Chaeyoungie!"

I saw Chaeyoung stop and turned around. "What is it?" Chaeyoung had her hands in her pocket. Her mask covering her face, making you only see her eyes and nose. And her sweater paws, she looked so adorable.

"Get your phone out and read the text I sent you" Mina said

"Whatever" Chaeyoung took out her phone and found Mina's contact. She saw the long paragraph that was full of an sweet misunderstanding. "Wow. I'm an idiot. I've should've listened to you."

"It's alright" Mina took a big sigh looking up.

"Well, to make it up for you. Wanna hang out tomorrow? We can go to the mall and park." Chaeyoung smiled. "Hm, of course. As long there is no Momo and Dahyun" Mina chuckled softly.

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