Chapter 11

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Chaeyoung knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. A few seconds of waiting, she heard the door opening and she was facing her best friend Dahyun. "unnie! I missed you, we didn't have much time to talk at school". She ran up to her and gave the older a warm big hug. "Haha, cute. Do you want to meet my new puppy?"

"Oh, the one you couldn't stop talking about? Sure I'll meet him" Chaeyoung nodded and followed the girl to her living room. Her puppy, Seth was chomping on his treats.

"Waah~ he's so adorable" She approached the dog and pet him in a gently relaxing way. "Yup, he sure is!" Dahyun giggled, joining in.

"Chaeyoung, do you have a crush on Mina?" She said out of a blue, a bit sad. "Uh, yes I do." Chaeyoung smiled.

"Oh alright, cute."

"We went to the park and had ice
cream straight after school today. Do you like someone right now unnie?"

"Yes, but i'm sure they don't like me back." She pouted slightly. "Aw don't think that, you never know~!"

"Right." Dahyun lowered her head. "Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom" Chaeyoung nodded as Dahyun left the room.

When Chaeyoung was petting Seth, she had the feeling that someone was watching her behind since the window curtains were open and she was in front of it. But Chaeyoung chose not to look, because she knew that she'd get paranoid. Soon, Chaeyoung got a text and it was from Mina.

black.swan: hii, r u at home?

baby_tiger: no, i'm at dahyun's right now.

black.swan: oh, i would've asked if you could come over but it's okay! You're parents would worry why you haven't come back home yet...

baby_tiger: that's okay. i can just tell them that.

black.swan: okay :D i'll see you soon, have a nice time chaeyoungie~!

baby_tiger: ba bai unnie


Dahyun came back from the bathrooom, adjusting her shirt. "Hi, missed meee?" the older giggled, her hands behind her back. "You were gone for like 2 minutes." chaeyoung giggled also.

a few minutes of them talking, Dahyun heard a knock on the door. "i'll get it." she got up from the floor and unlocked the door.

-End of chapter 12-

who is it at the door? 👀

Also, I was thinking of doing a Q&A for the characters. In the next chapter or two, i'll be giving out the answers of each member.

comment on the names of the characters you have questions for.











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