Chapter One: Gone

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Diana's POV

A warm pair of lips touched my forehead as Luca held me tightly in his arms. My mind still couldn't wrap around the fact that he was gone. Death is a scary thing, and I'm terrified of it happening, but he looked so at peace now.

"Diana, darling, everyone is waiting for you." I gave Luca a small smile and grasped his hand in mine, resting my head on his shoulder.

I stared at the gravestone a little while longer before nodding and sniffling once more. Luca rubbed my back and kissed my tear-stained cheek before wrapping an arm around my tiny figure.

"I can't believe it, I-I owe him my life!" My voice was stuffy as another sob left my lips. Luca pulled me into a tight hug and rested his chin on my head. I felt him suck in a deep breath and speak shakily.

"Shhh, I know. Xavier and I may have not been on good terms but I owe him my life too." My body pulled back from his and I wiped my cheeks, looking at Luca with confusion.

"He did not die for you, it is NOT your fault Luca." He shook his head and water began pouring out of his eyes also. He grabbed my cheeks with both hands and pressed his nose to mine slightly.

"I owe him my life because he gave up his for yours. If I could, I would trade spots with him in a heartbeat-" I pushed myself away from Luca and hit his chest harshly.

"Don't say that! I wouldn't be able to live without you, Luca! Don't ever say that!" Luca gripped his hands around my wrists and watched me drop to the ground, screaming and sobbing in the cemetery in front of everyone.

He fell to the ground with me and just held me as I let it all out again, I heard him start to cry also as he cradled me in his chest. Xavier dying took a toll on me, but if anything happened to Luca, I would have gone insane, my head hurt even thinking about it.

Many arms soon wrapped around us, and I hid my face in Luca's chest as he whispered apologies and 'I love you' in my ear. I wrapped my arms around Luca and climbed on top of him, sitting on his lap.

"Please, for the love of God, don't ever say that again." My voice shivered through the small hiccups.


-2 weeks later-

I knocked on Luca's office door and opened it with caution, not wanting to disturb the meeting that was occurring. Many eyes fell on me as I smiled brightly at everyone, waving politely. Luca unfolded his arms and stood up, making his way to me.

"Hello, my love, did you need something?" His deep voice made my legs all wobbly and breathless. I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled quickly before replying.

"Just wanted to let you know that lunch is ready," I glanced at all the other Alphas and clung onto Luca's torso, resting my cheek onto his chest. "Would you all like something to eat?" Alpha Zander stood up and bowed in respect.

"If only it isn't a problem Luna Queen." I blew a raspberry and nudged my head downstairs. The power was strong as all five other Alphas in the room stood up and made their way to get some food.

Once they left, Luca pushed me against the wall and gave me a quick peck on the lips before smirking as if he was planning something. I scoffed and put a finger under his chin, feeling the rough stubble on his cheek, before finally pulling him into another kiss.

"We need to go downstairs, they are waiting for us," I whispered breathlessly. Luca closed his eyes and opened them showing Jay. I dropped my head a little and sighed.

"They can wait, plus I'm not really hungry..." I squeezed his cheek before patting it and getting out of his grasp. Luca was in control again, and he whined a little as I denied his request. He interlocked our fingers together and we finally made our way to everyone.

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