Chapter Four: Pancakes

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Diana's POV

"Come on Diana!" I stared at the sky, trying to hold my breath. The rustling under me caused my gaze to shift down. Theo stood right under me. I readied myself to jump and tackle him. Okay, you can do this.

"1, 2, 3..." I fell onto Theo and rolled us around so I was on top of him. My hands wrapped around his throat, choking him. He clawed my entire arm, slitting it open. I let go and felt his weight on me. Before I could do anything else, Jay slammed Theo three feet away from where he originally was.

I heard Mia's loud screams as she was crying and I closed my eyes, hoping she was alright.

"Monica what's wrong!?! Are you okay?"

"No. Diana, I have to go. The group and I are escaping in the RV. I have the baby with me and we are all heading away from the territory."

They were leaving? That's not good.

"Brother! I come in peace!" Theo yelped. Jay stood next to me and roared angrily. This is going to be worse than I thought.

Monica's POV

Mia whimpered quietly in my arms as the RV rushed its way out of the territory.

Jade immediately grabbed her and sat next to me.

"This is exactly why I don't want her to grow up here." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes a bit, feeling a little offended.

"Hey, you alright?" Blake kissed my cheek and rubbed the small bump on my stomach.

"I'm fine. Just worried about Alpha and Luna. We sort of, you know...left them."

He sighed and pulled me into a tight hug, resting his lips on my forehead for a moment.

"I mind-linked Jay. Don't worry." I cuddled into him and felt safer than ever. James started to speed up and soon made his way onto a one-way road.

I gave everyone a look and rested my head against Blake's shoulder.

"I guess there is no going back now."


Diana's POV

- 2 hours later -

Luca's eyes began to shift every once in a while as he wrapped my arm in a bandage.

"Luca...are you okay?"

He glared into my eyes and tied the end of the bandage in a harsh knot. I whimpered in pain and forced my arm back to my side.

Ever since Theo ran away, Luca hasn't been...doing well. These past couple hours he's been quiet and keeps to himself. It is strange.

I saw his eyes soften as he made his way out of the bathroom. Obviously, I followed closely after.

He flopped onto the bed and faced his back toward me. Ouch.

"Luca. Please talk to me?"

"I'm sorry okay!?!! I'm sorry for not being there for you! I'm sorry for being the reason why you are always hurt. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

I shuffled off of the bed and walked to his side, crouching in front of him. My hand wrapped around his bicep and pushed it out of the way, making some room for me to lay down next to him.

I cling onto him and kiss his chest, neck, and lips.

"Diana. Stop. I don't deserve your love and affection." He groaned. I knew he couldn't push me away even if he wanted.

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