Chapter Sixteen: Crash

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Diana's POV

Everyone was in their positions.

"Okay, are you ready Darling?" Luca asks.

I breathe in deeply and exhale quite shakily, finally feeling all of the nerves getting to me. I wipe my sweaty hands on the back of my blue jeans, nodding.

"It's now or never,"

My lips pucker as I wait for Luca's to touch them. We share a sweet moment together.

"Be careful Diana, I love you."

"I love you too,"

My feet shuffle away from Luca as he begins to move into his spot while I make my way into the territory. A sudden rush of negativity entered my body as soon as I stepped foot in the Moon's Pack. I sneak more inside and see a small neighborhood.


A few small houses were the perfect place to start. I head to the first one, seeing the dim lights lit inside from the small windows and the cracks of the door.

I crouch my way to the door, feeling sweat running down my forehead. My fist lightly knocks on the steel door, leaving an echoing sound.

After a couple of seconds, it opens revealing a teenage boy.

"Luna Queen! What are you doing here? It's not safe." He harshly whispers.

I was surprised he knew me.

I smile and put my finger to my lips.

"Shh, "

He moves out of the way and allows me to pass into his house. My eyes meet with a little girl, who whimpered behind him.

I turn my attention back to the teenage boy. He seemed to be around my age.

"I need you to follow me. We are going to get you and her, " I point toward the little girl, "out of here. We need to hurry though."

"We can't leave. He will find us a-and kill us."


"Alpha King Theo."

I shook my head, letting a hand out for him to hold onto.

"I will make sure that he won't. That's a promise. Now come, follow me."

With great hesitation, he agreed. The little girl ran up to him and he picks her up with ease. We slowly head out of the house and hide in the shadows.

"Luna Queen, why are you doing this?" He asks.

I stay quiet and lead them back to Luca, who was waiting patiently.

"I will take you to Alpha King Luca, he will take care of you, I promise. You will be safe now."

After a few more steps I saw Luca pacing back and forth quickly, head in his hands.

"Luca!" I harshly whisper.

He sniffs the air and turns my way in a split second, sighing in relief when he saw me.

The boy followed me, bowing at Luca a bit.

"Luca, this is-"

"Thomas." The boy finishes.

Huh, I never did get his name. Luca nods toward him them looks at me.

"I don't think I can handle you going in and out of his territory my love. How about I take this one?"

I rub my face with defeat.

"Alright. First, stick to the plan and lead them to one of the Pack warriors. I'll stay here and wait for you."

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