Chapter Ten: Past

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Diana's POV

My eyes opened quickly at the sound of the fire alarm going off. What the hell?

I tossed the white duvet sheets off my body and opened the bedroom door. A puff of smoke blew across my face and legs.

A cough left my lips and I ran downstairs to see what was happening.

Once my feet reached the living room, loud crashes and cussing filled the kitchen.

Oh, Jay.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the door, my eyes widened at the sight of broken dishes and burnt eggs all over the floor.

Jay's eyes met mine and he gave me a goofy smile putting a hand on top of his head. I bit my lip and kept to myself watching him turn off the messy stove.

"Haha, er-good morning! I hope you slept well!"

His morning voice made me melt, it wanted me to give in and hold him close to me, never letting go.

"I uh, tried to make you breakfast. Sadly, it didn't turn out the way I wanted it too."

I walked past him and sat down on the wooden chair of the dining table. My eyes narrowed at the scratch marks that Luca had left.

It was the day my group was calling me crazy. My fingers rubbed the carved area.

Jay pulled a chair out in front of me causing an uncomfortable sound to arise.

My shoulders ate my ears trying to avoid the horrid noise. Jay took a seat before grabbing my left hand in his.

I tried to pull away but he didn't let me.

"Diana, please, hear me out." He begs. The Alpha King in front of me was begging!

I ran my tongue across my top teeth and nudged my head.

"Fine." I snapped.

He smiled softly and pushed his chair closer to mine.

"First of all, I'm sorry! I know what I did was wrong but I was scared, I was so scared about everything Diana. This is so new to me, and it's hard." Jay apologizes. He continues to speak.

"I think it's time for me to tell you everything. From the very beginning."

I kept quiet and swallowed a ball of my spit loudly. Geez, I didn't know I was going to feel this nervous.

He licked his plump lips and stared into my soul with the entirety of his black eyes.

"When I was born, everything was going great- or so I thought- I mean, I had a mom, dad, and older brother,"

My heartbeat sped up to a dangerous rate.

"I was bad news, Diana. Want to know who the first person was that I killed? It was my mother! And I-I loved watching her in pain,"

"Why? Why, did you kill her?" I whispered.

He breathed in deeply and continued,

"My mother wasn't the best person. She was quite abusive growing up, and she always hurt me more than Theo,"

"She would lock me up in a room for days while my father was out on long meetings, leaving me to starve and die. I only wish I could tell my father but he would never listen. I mean, it's was his Queen for God's sake,"

"This one night, Theo was done with all of it! He snuck into my room and told me that I would be 'free'. Theo told Luca to shift, and let me take control. It was the first time we had ever shifted, "

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