Chapter Twenty: Alpha

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Diana's POV

"Why fight me? You already have a Pack and I have a Pack. After all, I am an Alpha King." Theo spoke.

That was the last straw. Luca pounces on top of his brother, tossing them both to the ground.

I back away and just stare at them ripping each other apart. At this point, Jay was in full control. Theo pushes him off and makes a run for it heading back to the Moon's Packhouse.

I wondered why. Was he genuinely scared of him? It didn't make any sense.

Jay followed him closely. Before he could leave, I saw him shift into the black wolf that I had seen a while ago.

"Jay!" He turned his head to me.

My feet sprint to him as if a magnet was pulling me. I sit on top of him without his permission. Jay ignores my actions and follows Theo, not caring about my well being.

I fall back slightly but grab a handful of Jay's fur to hold my position. He was fast and angry. The way his paws would thud onto the ground indicated it.

The wind blew in my hair causing me to blow puffs of air to prevent it from entering my mouth.

"S-slow down Jay!"

He never listened. Instead, Jay went faster than ever.

After a few minutes, he had come to a complete stop. I jumped off of his back and watched as he made his way to the Moon's Packhouse. He had shifted back into Luca's form and was completely nude. He followed his eldest brother into the Packhouse, breaking open the door that was used to lock him out.

"Theo, come out here you mutt. I am here to challenge you!" Luca roars.

I follow Luca into the Packhouse and watch as he flings things all over the place in anger. Theo walks out of the kitchen, trying to keep a brave face.

"Is this what you really want?"

His hands were behind his back. He was hiding something. Luca moved closer to him, ready to tear his brother apart.


Luca charges toward Theo and shoves him into the wall. Theo pulls two large butcher knives from behind his back taking stabs at Luca.

"Luca, watch out!" I scream.

He moves his head to the side before Theo could sink the sharp knife into his skull. Punch after the punch was thrown until Theo pinned my mate against the wall this time. His crown was starting to tilt slightly as he sneered.

Theo's arm was soon raised and one of the knives dug into Luca's shoulder. I cover my mouth as I watch him bleed.

I look around to see if there was anything I would be able to use as a weapon. There was a wooden chair that was placed in the corner of the room. My feet rush to it and I grip the backboard with my sweaty palms.

Once I am behind Theo, I raise the chair as high as possible before slamming it into his back. Theo arches his back in utter pain while roaring in anger. Luca scratched at his face, leaving scars and deep wounds on his cheek.

Theo turns around and attacked me. Before he could get to me, Luca held onto this shirt and slammed him into the ground.

His crown fell a few feet from where he was. Theo's eyes flooded with fury as he pushed his younger brother off of himself.

I run to the crown picking it up and let out a shocked squeal. Theo quickly crawls to me but Luca grips onto his leg, popping it out of place. His painful cries made me cringe and caused my shoulders to eat my ears for a moment.

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