Chapter Nineteen: Snow

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Hayden's POV

I stay behind and watch Diana leave with Matt. My hand slaps my forehead and I groan in irritation.

"Damn it!" I whisper sharply.

In seconds, I run back to the Packhouse to stay and handle things here just in case. Of course, the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma were all gone at the moment and they left me here. I had to take charge.

The snowfall began to get worse causing shivers to run up my spine. As soon as I make it back, the first thing I do is go upstairs to my room and find a phone. I needed to call the group back home to let them know what was going on.

Jade's POV

Mia cried loudly in my arms as I bounced her up and down while walking around the basement of the Church. Lena rushed inside with a warm bottle of milk for her while Monica sat on the couch observing my every move.

"Shh," I hush.

Mia takes the bottle in her mouth and quiets down almost instantly. James's boots clicked as they met the wooden floor. He flopped onto another couch next to Monica's letting out a heavy breath.

"I really miss the Pack. It's boring not working with my warriors." He says.

Lena climbs on top of him and lays down making herself comfortable. James wraps his arms around her causing my heartbeat to speed up. It was jealousy. I knew Monica felt the same way just by looking at her.

"Where are the boys?" James asks.

"They went home with their families. Where they belong." I say while my voice was shaking. My throat had tightened from holding back unfallen tears.

"Speaking of homes, we should start heading back to my place. Dad isn't going to like it if he realizes we never came back."

They leave without another word.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket distracting me from the two lovebirds in front of me. I hold Mia with one arm and the other one grabs an old generation iPhone out of my pocket. I check the caller I.D. to see who was calling me.


Before it could vibrate again I answered immediately.


"Jade. You need to listen very carefully. Alpha is trying to get himself killed! He is going to fight Theo to death!"

My eyebrows furrow so deep that they almost covered my eyes.

"What? What do you mean kill?"

Monica's head swings up and she soon makes her way next to me. Her left-hand rubs Mia's tiny foot while her right hand was on the curve of my back.

'Is everything alright?' She mouths.

I shake my head and bite my lip hard.

"He is going to take over both Packs. I might not be able to make it home soon...along with Blake. Tell James. we really need him here. You two stay there and Lena will take care of you."

"James!" I yell.

Mia drops her bottle on the ground causing the top of it to shatter and spill milk everywhere. At this point, I could care less.

"Was it Hayden? What did he say?" Monica asks.

I explain everything that is going on. Her reaction was just as shocked as mine. I yell for James once more but got no response in return.

"I think they left. Call the boys and tell them to meet us here." I instruct.

"On it."

Monica grabs the phone out of my hand.

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