Chapter Nine: Church

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Hayden's POV

I stared at the orange church in front of us. We made it.

"Yes! Home, here I come!" Daniel yelled.

Aiden did a fist pump in the air and made a warrior cry face while Alex laughed beside him a bit.

This sudden feeling of relief entered me and I could finally crack a real smile.

"Hayden! Come on!"

Daniel sprinted out of the RV with a duffel bag dragging behind him. I grabbed Mia's car seat and followed behind the group of teens.

Jade grabbed my hand causing me to look down at her with adoration.

"We did it." She whispered softly.

I nodded and moved out of the way, letting her climb off the RV first. Then, it was my turn.

The cold Utah air hit me like a ton of bricks and goosebumps rose on the surface of my skin. Oh, how I missed the feeling.

I handed the car seat with Mia to Jade making my way to the large corridors of the church.

My hands fumbled for the keys in my pocket, which I surprisingly didn't lose. Once I grabbed a hold of them, in a swift second they were in the keyhole.

The lock clicked under my hand and I opened the door roughly.

"Okay, let's call your parents shall we? They must be worried sick...this trip was longer than expected." I spoke with a jitter.

I held the door open for everyone as they piled through with bags and belongings in their arms.

Blake was the last one before I could walk into the church's warmth. He turned around and held his hand out for me.

We shook hands with such confidence that I could feel his power.

"So. What now? The kids are going to finally go home, but what about you?" Blake asked.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I want to go home but it doesn't feel right. The entire time we drove here, Diana was on my mind...and Alpha."

Blake looked around and walked up the three steps that lead to the fellowship area, where snacks and food are given out.

"You made the right choice leaving her, trust me. Just remember that you and those kids are able to come and visit any time you all want. The Woods Pack is open to all of you."

It made me happy when he said that. The Pack was a place of security for everybody and that's what made it special.

Blake was about to speak again until Daniel jogged towards us.

"Hayden, my parents are outside! I'm sure they would want to meet you." He said while catching his breath.

"Alright, I'll be right out,"

I looked at Blake and nodded at him. He gave me a smirk back.

"Want to come to meet them with me? I'm sure they would love to see the men who saved us all."

"Sure, I'll mind-link James right now."

I headed out of the doors once again with Blake, heading to the family.

Many parents waited for their kids outside in the freezing cold weather. They were already here? I didn't want to see Diana's parents, but they were also here. What would I tell them?

Would I have to lie to them? Or tell them the truth about everything? About the whole other world that lurks among ours?

"Hayden, oh Jesus you are all alright! What happened?" Daniel's mother screeched at me, giving me a loving hug.

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