Chapter Three: Fights

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Diana's POV

Luca kept jolting and moving in bed, harsh whispering bothering the nice power nap I was having. I groaned loudly and dug my face in Luca's shoulder trying to stop him from shifting around so much.

"Luca, stop moving." He rubbed my back and mumbled something under his breath.


I opened my eyes and saw Monica sliding her foot on the slippery floor, looking down in shame.

"Monica, you have to tell him." My eyebrow raised in pure confusion and Monica walked out of the room without another word.

"What...was that?" I questioned. He rubbed his forehead and slammed the back of his head onto the bed frame. I covered my mouth as he roared in pain.


"Oh my goodness Luca!" My arms wrapped around his head, hands rubbing on the injured area. He started muttering cuss words, waving his hands around in stress. I squished his cheeks and shifted his head to face me. I stared intently in both of his eyes, hoping to get a response.

"Luca. What's wrong my love?" He huffed out a large amount of air and started to cuddle in my arms.

"Diana, I don't know if I can do this anymore. There is too much happening and there is no way I can handle all of this. My brain is whirling around in my head as I'm trying to figure out a way to protect you and now Monica's baby. Also your grou-"

"Hold on, Monica is pregnant?" He glanced at me with darkened eyes.

"Luca that's great!" I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"What? How? Diana this pup is going to affect everything that is going on right now! I'm surprised we were able to handle Mia when we could have. A baby is not what we need right now." I completely disagreed. Another baby is exactly what we need right now, there is no way we can get rid of it now anyway.

"Maybe this baby is exactly what we need. Plus what if I was pregnant right now, how would you react?" He rolled his eyes.

"Darling that's different." I scoffed and slightly pushed him off of me.

"How is that any different? There would have been a baby here, either way, your child or not there is no way we can change her mind. I'm sure she wants to keep it." He got up and off the bed.

"I'm gonna go take Jay on a run."

I kept quiet and sat with my arms and legs folded in irritation. Luca slammed the door behind him causing me to flinch. Huh, our first fight. Thank me later Monica.

I walked out of our room and I heard loud yelling and things crashing downstairs. My feet quickly shuffled and I made my way to the living room.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BLAKE! I REALLY THOUGHT YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY ABOUT THIS!" Monica screamed at Blake who pulled on the ends of his brown hair.

"Monica! We can't have a pup right now!"

She folded her arms and I made my way to her. She noticed me and gave me a quick embrace, sniffling her tears away.

"Monica, babe seriously consider this? Are we really ready to be parents? Are you ready to be a mom?" She was soon out of my arms and wiped her pale face.

"I-I can't be here right now. I'm going to go run." Before she was able to leave I gripped on her hand making her look back at me.

"Please find Jay while you are out there. Please be safe. Don't worry, I'm here for you okay? We are going to figure this out." Monica gave me a sad smile and replied,

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