Epilogue: The Future

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Diana's POV

I stared at the wedding dress I wore in the body mirror in front of me. Jade covers her mouth and sniffles a tiny bit trying to hold back her tears.

"Oh, you look gorgeous."

I inhale slowly and smile nervously. This was it, I was getting married to the man of my dreams in a minute.

"Okay, it is about to begin. Are you ready for this hon?"

"As I'll ever be."


The backyard door opened and Hayden's arm intertwined with mine. He led me down the aisle as Luca stood what felt like miles away from me. He fixed his posture when he saw me and bit his lip while dragging his eyes all over my body.

I blush a tiny bit and clear my throat a tiny bit.  Once I make it up there I give my flowers to my maid of honor, who was Monica. Thousands of eyes stared at this very moment. Luca held onto both of my hands smiling deeply at me.

"You look very beautiful."

"And you look Handsome."

Well, this was it. A brand new chapter in my life was about to begin.


I was now Mrs. Mason and it felt amazing! Things were so much happier around here and I loved it.

Hayden, Jade, and Mia decided that it would be best if she grew up in a home, where there were no werewolves involved with anything. Luca and I were to make sure to visit our niece as often we could. We had chosen to keep the entire...werewolf thing a secret, which meant she would never be able to come by at the Wood's Pack. It made me sad, but I agreed just for her safety and well innocence.

The entire group was able to come and visit! They even occasionally would stay for weeks until heading home. I was content with how things were going especially now that Theo was gone. Life was finally perfect.

I was the Luna Queen of all the werewolves!

Oh, how I loved being a Luna.

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