Chapter Twelve: Broken

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Diana's POV

"Well, actually, I don't think my plan would work," I muttered under my breath.

Jay stared at me in shock as I finally for once proved myself not to be right about everything. I was soon off of his lap and next to a wall, observing every tiny detail.


I licked my dry lips and faced Jay, who looked quite confused about my answer, waiting for some sort of elaboration.

What was I going to tell him? That I went to the Moon's pack on my own? What the hell was he going to think?

"I've already tried it, Jay,"

He was getting a bit irritated and cautious about everything that was spilling out of my mouth, but he kept his cool as best as he possibly could.

"What does that mean?"

"I uh, may or may not have gone to see Theo after our little fight. I was planning on having him become Alpha King and we could gain his trust. Seems like that is WAY out of the picture though."

Jay was immediately by my side and looked all over my body.

"What!?! Are you hurt? Did he touch you at all? Oh, I knew I should have gone after you!"

"Hey, hey he didn't do anything...he only choked me for a second but I handled it."

"HE WHAT!?!"

Oh crap. Okay, I needed to find a way to calm him down quickly before he makes a stupid decision like me.

"Jay, I am okay and I promise to never do anything that stupid again, I will always let you know if I am planning on doing something like that."

He sighed angrily but held me close like I was going to disappear at any moment.

Jay slowly bobbed us from side to side and he gave me small head kisses after every few seconds. I slowly scratched his back in a soothing motion.

"Please, don't ever do that again. I don't know what I would do if you died!"

The cell phone rang again, causing Jay to roar with fury. He wanted to make sure to I was okay without any disturbances.

A squeal left my lips as Jay picked me up with ease and walked back to his desk. The phone rang again, and again, and again. Jay harshly picked it up and slammed it to his ear roughly, speaking with pure hatred in his voice.

"Hello?" He grumbled.

A muffled voice spoke through the small device as Jay set me down on his desk so he was able to hug me better. My heart warmed at all of his affection and I didn't want it to stop, but he needed to know that I was okay.

I rest my chin on his shoulder, closing my eyes with happiness.

"I'm okay, I'm here," I whispered in his other ear, calming him down a few notches.

"Alpha Leo, nice to hear your voice again," Jay said with such confidence.

What did Alpha Leo want? It was quite strange that he decided to call us. Jay hovered over me, grabbing another sticky note and the pen we used last time. Jay scribbled certain numbers in a specific order, sometimes asking for Leo to repeat.

Jay used one hand to hold onto the phone that was still glued to his ear, humming in agreement a couple of times.

"Alright, thank you for letting me know Alpha Leo,"

Jay hung up the phone and stared at it angrily before throwing it with such force at the wall. His cell phone broke in a quick second, causing me to yelp at the sudden reaction.

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