Chapter Fourteen: Leo

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Diana's POV

My hands played with Luca's as I waited for him to wake up. Every few seconds, my hand would go to his heart, just to see if it was still beating.

Its been a few hours and I've just stayed with him, laid with him. His body was starting to become cold and I had begun to worry.

With small movements I pulled his arm off of me, planting a small kiss on his hand before doing so. I stand up quietly and grab the thick blanket off of the bed, wrapping it around Luca.

"I'll be back," I whisper.

I make my way to his office and grab the two sticky notes that had important information. I quickly head back to Luca.

The bright pink sticky note blinds me for a moment causing me to move away from my vision. I sit on the edge of the bed so Luca was still next to me and I read the numbers that were listed. My eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

It...was a time?

7:45 P.M.

I look at the alarm clock on the other side of me. It was 7:30! Oh no. What if something bad was supposed to happen? I jump off the bed and kneel next to Luca, trying to shake him awake lightly.

"Luca, you need to wake up right now. We might be in- actually- we are in trouble. I need you to be here with me." I spoke.

He wasn't budging at all, there was small movement as he shrugged his shoulder in annoyance. My eyes widen and I sigh in relief. After a few more attempts, I slap Luca across the face as hard as I could and his eyes peeled open.

He groans at the sudden feeling and I hug his head, kiss the top of it multiple times.

"You're alive!" I shrieked.

Luca huffs out air, leaving a warm trail down my entire arm. I pull away and put my hands on his cheeks, causing his lips to pucker together from the force. He raises an eyebrow and makes a weird noise.

I punch his shoulder slightly than wrap my arms around him, climbing onto one of his legs. His arms begin to wrap around me and I cuddle into his chest, kissing him repeatedly on his neck.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I yell at him.

Luca pats down my hair in a calming motion.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Of course I am not okay! You almost died! I-I really don't know why but you got a call from Alpha Leo, and he gave you this," I hand him the pink sticky note, "Once he hung up, you smashed your phone against the wall-"

"Wait, I did what?" He asked shocked.

I rub my lips together and nod.

"Yep. Anyway, you smashed your phone and started too...I don't know shift! I tried to help you but you kicked me out of the office. You really scared me. Well, Jay did. I didn't hear from either of you for like 20 minutes."

I put the back of my hand on Luca's forehead to feel his temperature. It was starting to become normal...not too hot and not too cold.

"You're doing much better, that's good," I glance at the clock...7:39, "Hey, do you remember anything?"

I needed to know what the time meant. If Luca didn't remember, we might be in big trouble.

"Not much. All I remember is you sleeping in my lap, telling me about that dream of yours,"

Shit, we are so screwed. Okay, that's okay, we can totally do this. I tap the sticky note with my finger.

"Do you know why you wrote the time?"

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