Chapter Eleven: Christmas

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Diana's POV

Jay ran his hands through his hair.

"Are you all okay? Where are you?" He talked on the phone.

"Put it on speaker babe," I whispered.

Jay peeled the phone away from his ear and with a press of a button, Monica was heard in the small office. Her breaths were deep and she sounded so...scared.

"Alpha! Oh, I'm so glad I remembered the right phone number. It's a lot harder than I thought, huh, I must say I am proud of myself! Anyway, we all made it back to the Church, except...there is one small-itty bitty- pickle we might be in." Her enthusiastic voice brought me joy.

I clung onto Jay's waist, bring him closer with my legs, he didn't seem to mind.

"Why? What happened? Does it have anything to do with Mia or your baby?" His voice became shaky with worry and I could tell he was getting nervous.

I could tell that Luca and Jay enjoyed being an uncle, they loved being able to protect them. It was honestly the most adorable thing ever.

"Oh God no!"

"Monica! We are in a Church!" Jade yelled.

"Jade!" I yelled happily.

Jay plugged his pointer finger in his ear and cringed at the loud noise.

"DIANA!" They both screeched.

"Okay, okay, we all said hello now, Monica, what is the problem? You guys are safe and that's all that matters."

It was true, they were away from danger and that made me feel a bit better about having my group leave.

"Um, Hayden and Blake are on their way back to you...They are coming to help you fight off Theo once and for all."

Oh, no.

"W-what caused them to do that?"

Jay was getting even more nervous.

"Well, Luna, your parents are here. Hayden is coming back for you, to keep you safe, Blake does not want him to go back, but Hayden can't go alone. He would die." Monica said.

My parents? Oh crap, what was I going to tell them? That I found a dude in the woods and I am marrying him. Wait, that is exactly what I am doing!

"Shit. Thanks for letting us know. Do they have any phones we can contact them on? Did they leave yet?" Jay's voice was getting deeper and more concerned.

I must say, it was really hot. I began trailing kisses on his neck and collarbone, causing a light growl from him.

"Yeah, they left about an hour ago. Hayden took my phone, I left it here at the Church on accident before the trip."

I grabbed some sticky note and a pen off Luca's desk, scribbling on the corner of it to see if it was working. Jade spoke out the number slowly, giving us some sort of contact with the two idiots.

"Thank you. Call us if anything happens, once this is over, we will call you when it is safe to come back."

Jay and I said our goodbye's and he hung up the phone. He moved away from my touch taking a seat on the leather office chair.

"What dumbasses! They are literally asking for a death wish," he groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, "Another damn problem we need to worry about."

"Hey, at least we know. Think about it, if they never called, Blake and Hayden could be dead or alive without our knowledge." My voice was soft.

Jay spread his arms open wide and nudged his head, motioning me to cuddle. How could I say no?

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