Chapter Fifteen: Midnight

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Diana's POV

"I'll contact Alpha Zander and Alpha Troy right away, anything else Luna Queen?"

I shake my head and watch as he walks away for a bit to call the others. Luca scoots closer to me and plays with my hair.

I sit on my bum on the hard floor, enjoying his soothing touch.

"I'll contact Rick and Derek,"

His voice sounded so calm, so relaxed it really put me in a daze for a moment. I lean back a bit so my head rests on Luca's knee. I hum and he continues to play with my black hair, twisting it ever so lightly.

"Okay, Rick is on his way, Derek said he will be here in the morning," said Luca.

"Alright, we should get some rooms ready for them, it might take all night just to plan this," I answer back.

Sneaking thousands of Pack members isn't as easy as you think, especially with another Alpha King who will most likely become suspicious once he realizes they were going 'missing'.

Leo walks back to us, nodding once toward me.

"They are both on their way," He licks his lips then starts to speak again, "I understand this will take quite some there any chance Kate and swing by?"

Before I could say anything, Luca beat me to it.

"Of course, she can stay as long as she would like,"

I smile a bit and turn to the side, putting both arms on his knee and laying my cheek on them. He was becoming a big softy and I loved it so much, even though I did miss his hard behavior. It was funny for me.

Leo gives a warm smile mind-linking Kate to come and join us on this 'exciting' journey.

"Why don't we get started while we wait?" I suggest.

Both Luca and Leo agreed. Leo sat back down where he was before and I pushed myself up so I was now sitting on Luca. Ah, my favorite spot. He wrapped his arms around me, leaving small and feathered kisses all over my shoulder.

"Luna Queen, why don't we talk about where everyone will be located? It seems to very important in this plan,"

Yeah, it was a pretty big thing. Leo points to his territory on the map, sliding his finger across it a little. He tapped to where King's lake was between both of our Packs,

"This might be the best place to take some of the members, so we can choose where there might be room. Maybe I can be stationed there."

Huh, that wasn't a bad idea.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Luca," I put my pointer finger on the map, trying to reach the other side of it, "I know you aren't going to let me go to the Moon's Pack on my own, so you might be able to help lead the members toward the other Packs,"

Luca puts his chin into the pocket of my shoulder, bumping his head with mine.

"Hm, Okay."

The doorbell rings causing the three of us to become cautious for a moment. Luca bounces his knee indicating me to get up for a second. I do it and watch as he makes his way to the door, opening it.

Rick and Troy step inside, wiping their shoes on the edge of the step to take off the excess snow. I cross my arms and grip on the sides of my shirt, to keep my hands warm from the cold winter air that seeped inside the Packhouse.

"Luca, honey, close the door please," I mutter.

He slams it shut then clicks the locks.

"Luna Queen," Rick said with respect,

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