Chapter Two: Caution

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Diana's POV

"I-I have to go get some air." I stood up and walked to the front door, Luca gripped my hand which prevented me from moving away from any further.

"Diana, let's talk about this." My heart pounded and my mind whirled endlessly. Luca quickly stood next to me and kissed my forehead, rubbing my back as he tried to relieve some stress.

"Diana, it's just we've been here for a long time. We will come to visit every month, as a group! Please listen. I'm sorry, but I DON'T want Mia to grow up in this kind of environment," I breathed heavily as Hayden talked about the little baby. I bit on both of my lips and closed my eyes, nodding in agreement.


"Okay?" Hayden asked.

There was no way I could force them to stay, but something was telling me in my gut, that I shouldn't let them leave. But how could I convince them? How could I tell them that our Pack was the safest place for them?

"Darling, I could send a warrior with them back home, keep them safe until they arrive." I hugged Luca and buried my face near his collarbone. I inhaled his scent which helped me calm down a little bit.

He moved the hair out of my face and left his lips lingering on the side of my head. Hayden came next to me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"We love you so much, but our time here is up. I'm not worried about leaving you here because," he glanced at Luca, who held me in his protective arms. "I know Alpha will take care of you. Remember we will always be here for you, and come to visit whenever you want."

I gave him a small smile and then a quick nod.

"Alright. Start packing and I'll get your rides ready. You all will leave tomorrow morning." Hayden folded his hands together and gave me a look of 'thanks'. I rested my chin on Luca's chest and gazed at his beauty for a moment before speaking.

"Luca?" His green orbs melted into mine, making my heart stop for a few seconds.

"Yes, my love?" His raspy voice whispered. I licked my lips and tilted my head to the side.

"May I request who I want to have to take my group back home?" He stayed silent for a moment and swallowed his spit slowly. His Adam's apple shifted up and down in a split second.

"Who did you have in mind?" I only assumed what his reaction was going to be because the only other werewolf I could trust is someone close to our hearts.

"I was thinking...maybe Blake?"

"Uh, no."


"No Diana." I blew some air out of my mouth and furrowed my eyebrows together.

"I could do it." I turned my head and saw James standing with Lena, hand in hand with Alpha Derek. Wait he was still here? When did they get here?

"Um, Alpha Derek. What are you still doing here if you don't mind me asking?" His head jolted up from his phone and he laughed awkwardly.

"I-I can we talk in a second...alone Luna Queen?" Me? He wanted to speak to me...alone. I mean there was no way I could have said no, as he was an Alpha himself, and that would just be disrespectful.

"Sure," I replied before talking to James again.

Hayden and Jade left to tell everyone about packing and getting ready to head out, ready to go back to where they all had come from.

"Are you really wanting to take that risk?"

"Of course Luna. Lena and I will go together and we will be back as soon as they are there. " It wasn't a bad idea. I mean I did trust James, he keeps our pack safe, he trains all of our warriors.

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