Chapter Five: Help

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Luca's POV

I sat quietly in my office watching Diana sign off a few papers next to me. She raised one of them and handed it to me with confusion.

"It says it's anonymous." I stared into her curious doe brown eyes and felt my heartbeat quicken.

"Here let's see it. In a few minutes, I need to go to the Moon's pack, and this time you are not to leave my side."

Diana slides her chair closer to me and gives me a small peck before handing me the paper.

"I don't plan too." Good. I couldn't bear to see her in any more pain, all because of me. My gaze shifted to the letter in front of me.

Alpha King Luca Mason,

This a close friend of yours and Luna Queen Diana, I must inform you that we really need your help. I am a part of the Moon's pack but I can not say who I am or they will kill me. Please just save us, I beg of you.

I furrowed my eyebrows and rubbed my neck in stress. Diana grabbed my hand and rubbed my back softly for comfort. I melted into her touch and tossed the paper back onto the desk. She raised her legs and rested them on top of mine as we began to come up with a plan.

"It is a letter from the Moon's Pack." She hummed and climbed into my lap. I felt her cuddle into my chest and become comfortable as we spoke.

"Oh yeah? What's it say?"

"The letter is requesting our help. They really are struggling with Theo, Darling. Should we still speak to him?"

"It's worth a shot. I'm going to go change and get ready. I love you and don't do anything stupid without me." I rested a hand on my heart and acted as if there was a pain in my chest.

"Ouch. I would never!" She gave me one last kiss before leaving to get ready. I felt myself become dizzy and a pinch in my lower abdomen.

"I'm getting stronger Luca, I can't stop myself any longer. There is no way I want this to happen again." Jay spoke. It was happening again and this time there was no way to stop it.


"You ready Babe?"

I put my arm around my beautiful mate's shoulder and we walk out of the Packhouse together. Her perfect body fit mine like a puzzle piece as we made our way to the Moon's pack.

"So, how is my other love doing? I haven't heard from him since last night."

Jay howled with happiness as she asked about him and I rolled my eyes at his actions. He wagged his tail and stuck his tongue out in a playful motion.

"He is doing just fine. I'll let you see him soon...just not now."

We walked quietly off of the territory for a few minutes until she stopped and looked up at the sky with one hand covering her eyes from the sun. I turned my body to her wave her over but she shakes her head.

Diana raised her arms and gives me a puppy face. I sighed and smiled deeply at her cuteness, nudging my head. She squealed and ran into my arms, legs around my waist as my hands rested under her bum for support. Her head rested in the crook of my neck and she pulled me closer to her if it was even possible.

I began walking again, carrying Diana.

"Thank you." She mumbled with her eyes closed. I lingered my lips on her forehead and replied,

"No need to thank me, Darling. I would carry you to the moon and back if you wanted me too."

I saw her blush and she covered her gorgeous face with her slim hands. I laughed a little and tightened my grip on her.

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