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I walked through the halls with my hoodie over my head and my drop crotch sweatpants sagging. I couldn't look too girly on the first day at my new school because that was the exact reason we had to move. I'm gay if your wondering and I moved from my old home because of the constant bullying and name calling. Mom didn't mind my sexuality and my step dad didn't complain, but they did mind my constant sadness and suicidal thoughts. Since the second I walked into the school, I got seldom looks from everyone which made me quite uncomfortable. I headed to my designated locker and put in the code, unlocking it on my first try. I put the books my mom packed for me in my locker and kept one loose notebook in my bag along with my pencil case and art case, sketchbook, phone, and lunch money. I locked my stuff back up and made my way to my first class, art.

"Hey!" Someone yelled behind me. I didn't turn around until I realized they were yelling at me. I slowly turned and came face to face with a tall chocolate girl who was about an inch taller than me and had a head full of crazy curls. She almost looked like a darker girl version of me if that made sense.

"Your new right?" She asked me. I nodded and she put her hand out.

"I'm Rachel Harris. You must be Jacob." I smiled and shook her hand. "That's me."

"If you need any help with anything you can come to me. I'm gonna be showing you to your classes for today and then if you need help with anything throughout the year, you've got me." She smiled kindly.

"Your first class is art, right?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. She grabbed my hand and began speed walking toward the end of the hall. When we reached it, we turned and began speeding up the flight of stairs.

"Your gonna want to hurry up to your classes for the next couple of days. Thats the best way to meet new people and make friends. I have that class too so I'll introduce you to some new people." She told me as we zipped to the door of the art class. I checked myself before she turned the knob and opened the door.

The second we stepped in, the familiar aroma of fresh acrylic paint and pottery clay hit me. Tables were set up with chair sets of six and there were a few students helping the art teacher set up for the class ahead. "Hey Rach!" A short boy with blonde hair beamed as he ran and gave her a hug. "Hey Craig. This is Jacob. He's new here and i'm gonna show him around for the first few days."

"Great. We can finally fill the last chair at our table. I'm Craig but everyone except Rachel calls me Prod." He laughed, greeting me.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jacob." I flashed a smile.

"Were gonna have to think of a nickname for you. Jacob is too many syllables." He laughed as I followed him and Rachel to the empty table on the far right of the room.

I settled into the seat next to Rachel and took out my sketchbook and art case, fishing out my sketching pencils. Just as I was about to start doodling, Rachel grabbed my sketchbook and began flipping through it.

"Wow. These are great!" She exclaimed, showing some to a curious Prod. I thanked her before getting it back because some were personal and I didn't want to be questioned. I was gonna tell her I was gay at some point, but I couldn't really trust anyone after only knowing her for a few minutes.

"Do you want me to draw you? It'll only take a few minutes." I asked her. She quickly nodded her head as I took out my kneading eraser, tortillion blender, and sharpener. I took out my phone and snapped a few pictures of her so she wouldn't have to pose and began sketching her. Just as I finished her nose, I heard loud squeals behind me. I looked up and saw Rachel and Prod hugging two other boys and a girl. One of the boys had two long braids and the other had small curls with small blonde streaks in them. The girl had long blonde curls with dark brown at the roots. They were all very welcoming and nice. "Guys this is Jacob. He's new." Prod introduced me. The girl I now knew as Zonnique or Star gave me a warm hug and introduction. The boy with two braid's name was Rayan but everyone called him Ray Ray or just Ray.

I didn't really get much of a greeting from the other boy, just a head nod and a sly smile as he sat across from me at the table. "That's Chresanto but we just call him Chres." Rachel told me. I returned the sly smile before continuing on with my sketch of Rachel. "What cha' drawing?" Ray asked as I focused hard on Rachel's facial features. "I'm drawing Rachel." I told him, not looking up from my sketchbook.

"Your really talented." Star complimented. I looked up from my book for a quick second to say thank you before continuing on. I felt eyes on me when I looked up to see Chres eying my work. I couldn't help but notice his beautiful straight white teeth and strong muscles that hung loosely out of his sleeveless muscle tee. I quickly looked down the second our eyes locked and continued my drawing.

"Okay class settle down." The art teacher grabbed everyone's attention. I quickly put away my art supplies and book and gave the teacher my full attention.

"I see we have a new student with us. We have a little ritual when we have a new student so could you come up?" He asked kindly. I scurried up to the front of the room.

"I'm Jacob." I introduced myself. Everyone responded back: "Hi Jacob." Which caused me to smile.

"So Jacob. Whenever we have a new student, they must show their artistic talent to the class. So choose something that shows off your creativity and share it with the class." The teacher told me. I sighed and looked around before coming up with an idea.

"Does anyone have any requests?" I asked. Just about everyone's hand shot up including Chres's. I smiled and pointed at him, gesturing for him to come up to the front. I watched as he strolled up to the front, admiring his perfect body form. Oh, the things i'd let him do to me.

I was snapped out of my focus when he came closer to me. "What would you like me to draw?" I asked. He contemplated for a second before whispering in my ear. "Can you draw me." He asked, his sexy voice causing me to shiver as his cool breath hit my ear. I bit my lip and nodded, grabbing the pencil the teacher had laid in the front of the room along with an easel with large sketching paper. I pulled up a chair for him to sit in and he sat down as I began to sketch his strong facial features. It didn't take long for me to finish his face and move down to his muscular arms. I drew some of the small details on his articulate shirt and ended right above his crotch area. I finished off some last minor details before removing the large pad from the easel and revealing it to Chres and the class.

"Wow Jacob. That's excellent." The teacher applauded as I received warming compliments from the entire class. I tore the paper off of the pad before signing it at the bottom and handing it to Chres. He smiled at me and sat back at his seat, me following him and sitting back in mine.

For the rest of the class, the teacher told us about what we'd be doing for the next week. We'd be learning about a new technique where we used tissue paper, chalk, and tempera paint to create post modern art that uses small tiny dots and splashes to come together in one landscape of art. We learned the basics and would begin the project tomorrow.

The bell rang outside in the hallway, signaling the end of our first period class. I collected my stuff and shoved it into my backpack before slinging it into my back.

"What class do you have next?" Prod asked me. I fished into my pocket for my schedule and checked to see I had Precalculus.

"Star and Ray have that class so they'll show you around to that class and your next one and we can all meet up at lunch." Rachel told me. We all agreed and Chres, Rachel, and Prod headed in the opposite direction to their next period classes. "Some of our other friends are in this class. There's Ej, Deja, Kennedy, and Jaay." Ray told me with a large smile on his face.

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