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"Babe wait!" Chres yelled behind me. I turned and looked at him with a straight face.

"What?" I asked coldly.

"Come on. You getting mad over that hoe?" He asked, rubbing my arm.

"Oh no ofcourse not. I'm not mad over a little hoe who will get on her knees or open her legs for the birthday boy." I growled sarcastically, pushing his hand off of me.

"Baby. You know I only want you. You can't stay mad at me on my birthday." He laughed. I smiled falsely.

"Oh really? Watch me." I chuckled, walking into art class. I heard him huff loudly behind me but he had yet to come into the classroom. I sat in my normal seat and began scrolling through tumblr.

"Hey babes." Rachel giggled, hugging me from behind.

"Hey Rach." I smiled, locking my phone.

"So you have everything ready for the thing?" She asked.

"Yeah. But I don't really feel like dealing with him right now." I sighed.

"Why? What did he do? I will chop that nigga dick off." She laughed, sitting down across from me.

"He was all staring at this hoe and she was all whispering in his ear. He was blushing and biting his lip and he only bites his lip when he's turned on." I muttered.

"Don't worry about him. He'll be coming right to you for some good birthday sex and once you give him that, he won't look at nobody else. That still doesn't make it right tho. I'll watch him for you." She told me. I nodded as everyone began to come over to the table.

"Hey guys." I greeted Ray, Prod, and Star as they came in with Chres. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh, rubbing it.

"Stop." I whispered behind clenched teeth.

"And if I don't?" He asked seriously. I looked over at him as he raised his hand to my crotch and began rubbing it.

"Could you not?" I asked loudly as my growing erection began to show through my pants.

"Not until you forgive me. I don't want nobody but you baby." He pleaded, pulling me closer and kissing on my neck. I told myself not to give in and pushed him away from me.

"Oh I forgive you. I forgive you for flirting with a girl right in front of me and not caring about my feelings and that we're together. I totally forgive you for that. Why hold a grudge? There's no problem in that act of selfishness." I snickered sarcastically. He sighed and moved his hand from me, placing it into his lap.

~Lunch~ (we needa get to this sex scene so I can wipe my ass and go to schleep 😴)

"Babe come on. I love you. I've been with you every second I could, not some other chick. I love you and that fat ass." Chres laughed, slapping my butt.

"Leave me alone. I'm not talking to you." I whined, walking away from him.

"I love you." He yelled, causing everyone to be quiet. I turned around and looked at him. He smiled and stood up onto the lunch table.

"Attention everyone! I love Jacob Anthony Perez. I'm taken by this beautiful man and don't want anyone else but him for anyone who doesn't already know!" He yelled, jumping off of the table and lifting me up, kissing me. Everyone clapped and applauded as he lifted my legs around his waist. I didn't kiss back at first but gave in and grabbed his face, deepening the kiss. We finally pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.

"You believe me now?" He asked. I nodded and kissed his lips again as he carried me back to the lunch table and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him.

"I can't wait to beat that ass up." Chres laughed, squeezing my butt. I laughed and pecked his lips. My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my pocket.

I'm outside. Plan is in motion lol


Just then the loud speaker sounded.
"Chresanto August please report to the front office. Your leaving." It spoke. His face curled up in confusion. I shrugged my shoulder.

"Alright. Well I love you. See you when you get home. I'll see if I can come pick you up." He told me. I nodded and kissed his lips, adding tongue as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I finally pulled away and stood up and he got up, walking out of the cafeteria. I sat back down and scrolled through my phone until lunch was over. I made my way to Study Hall and plopped down in my normal seat in the library- a small bean bag chair in the far back of the room. I pulled out my sketch book and began to doodle when someone walked in front of me.

"Jacob Perez?" They asked. I looked up and nodded.

"Your leaving. Grab your things and come with me." He told me. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I stood up and stuffed my things into my bag before following the guy.

I'll post the scene tomorrow. Sorry -_-

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