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I was released from the hospital today and I asked Craig to take me to my house. He's been trying to tell me all these lies for the past few days but other than that he's really sweet and cute.

When we finally got there I kissed Craig on the cheek and walked to the house, knocking on the door. My dad opened and scoffed at me.

"Hey dad." I smiled, hugging him. He pushed me away and made me hurt my neck.

"What was that for?" I asked, fixing the brace around my neck.

"Don't touch me you fag." He growled, pushing me into the house. I caught myself before I could fall and went over to my mom who was laying on the couch, rubbing her stomach.

"Hey Mami." I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, sitting up.

"What do you mean? I live here." I giggled.

"No you don't..... Your not living in my house if you don't respect me." She barked.

"What do you mean? I always respect you." I chuckled, sitting next to her on the couch.

"Why you keep rubbing your belly? Does it hurt?" I asked confused.

"No it doesn't hurt yet. But i'm growing." She smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows. Since when is it okay to gain weight?

"Mom what's going on?" I asked.

"What do you mean? This always happens when someone's pregnant." She laughed, getting off if the couch. Since when was she pregnant? I really can't remember anything.

"Dad where's Jaay?" I asked.

"Stop calling me dad. He's down in your room." He shouted. I ran down stairs into my room. Jaay wasn't in the room but some girl was naked on the bed.

"Jacob! Oh my gosh please help me." She shouted, jumping up and hugging me.

"Why are you touching me? Who are you and why are you in my room? Naked?" I asked.

"What do you mean Jake? It's me... Kennedy." The girl pleaded. The bathroom door opened and Jaay came out, naked.

"What the hell man? Kennedy get out." He shouted. She picked up her clothes and threw them on before running up the stairs crying.

"Baby what's going on?" I asked.

"I knew you wanted me. Come on." He smiled. I walked over to him and he pulled me into a kiss. I felt his hard shaft against me and moaned into his mouth.

"You want it?" He asked.

"I'm tired right now. And my neck still hurts." I told him, laying down in the bed. He pulled me to him and yanked off my pants and boxers, slamming into me.

"Aaa ah...... Babe that hurts." I screeched. He slammed into me without remorse as I screamed in pain and pleasure. He released inside of me as I came too, sighing out in relief as he pulled out of me.

He slipped on his clothes and left me there. I got out some clean clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

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