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I laid in Craig's bed, nothing but boxers and black nike socks on. My hair sat atop of my head in a messy ponytail. I stare at the ceiling, thinking. I wish I could believe all the things everyone is telling me but my mind already has an entire layout of what is supposedly my correct life.

Chresanto has come and visited me everyday for the past week with gifts, food, or clothes whenever Craig wasn't home. I'm beginning to remember Rachel, Craig, and Ray, but I can't get myself to remember Chresanto.

He tells me everyday that i'm his boyfriend but he doesn't even seem like my type....even though I thought Jaay was.... Now look where I am.

I still have pain in my neck sometimes and there's still a spot of blood on Craig's wall from the accident. I can't remember what happened, I just remember Craig picking me up and carrying me out of his apartment building and into his car.... Everything else is a blur....

"You okay Jake?" Craig asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah.... I'm fine." I partially lied, looking over at him. There were 2 more days until Christmas and I'd already got my brace removed from my neck.

"You hungry?" He asked, walking over to the bed and sitting next to me.

"A little." I giggled after my stomach growled loudly.

"You want some Popeyes? There's one right down the street." I nodded and smiled as he leaned down to me.

"We can go out later to get a tree." He smiled, putting his hands onto my waist.

"Okay." I whispered nervously. His lips were a few centimeters away from mine and he looked at me lustfully.

"I um.... Sh... Maybe...." I was trying to change the subject so maybe he would move away but he did nothing but move closer. He stared into my eyes as his hands held my waist, his thumb softly caressing my V-line.

"What?" He asked, moving closer so our lips were almost touching but not quite. I looked away from his eyes and he took his finger, moving my chin so I'd look at him.

"Are you uncomfortable?" He asked soothingly.

"No it's just.... I don't..." He cut me off by moving even closer so our lips were touching slightly.

"Just tell me and I'll move baby." He spoke softly against my lips. I shuttered at him calling me that... It was the first time he'd called me that... At least the first time I can recall.

"Don't..." I whispered, pulling his head down and kissing him.

We took turns, switching from top to bottom lip, sucking on each other's as our tongues slid into each other's mouths.

I pulled away, catching my breath.

"I um.... I'll go get the food." He muttered, fixing his shirt after I'd grabbed onto it while we were kissing and left the room. I sighed and sat up in the bed. My phone began to rang the second I stood up and I looked at it to see Chresanto was calling. It popped up as Papi😏 with Chresanto's name under it. I sighed and clicked answer, plopping back down on the bed.

"Hi Chresanto." I mumbled.

"Hey bab- Jacob." He corrected himself. I asked him to stop calling me baby and babe but he was having trouble.

"Hi...." He sighed and it sounded like he was crying.

"Are you crying?" I asked.

"I just.... I miss you so much... I wish you'd remember me..." He cried out. I sighed and put my face into my hands.

"I'm sorry.... I can't... I promise you I'd tell you if I did but I honestly don't..." I told him, pulling the tie out of my hair.

"Can I come over?" He asked.

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