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"Mm." I moaned into Chres's mouth as he caressed my thighs and kissed me.

"When you gon let me hit that ass?" Chres laughed as he squeezed my butt.

"I have to tell you something." I said, pushing him away.

"What?" He asked confused.

"When I was in my old school these guys threatened me almost everyday that they were gonna rape me and one of them was supposed to be my boyfriend. One day when I was showering after gym class they all cornered me and were about to rape me when the coach came in and caught them. That's the main reason I left." I told him.

"I'm sorry babe. I was wondering why you tensed up when I asked you that. I won't ask no more." He hugged me.

"It's okay now. I just had to tell you that. It should be fine now." I told him, kissing his lips again. We made out for so long until someone began to tap on his car window. He sighed and pulled away, rolling down the window.

"You two freaks need to come on. Lunch started like 10 minutes ago." Prod told us before walking back into the school.

"I want you to come over early tomorrow to help with the food and stuff. That way you can meet my mom before anyone else comes." He told me. I nodded my head and pecked his lips a few more times.

"We could skip lunch and I'll take you out to get something to eat right after school." He suggested. I smiled and nodded before rolling the window back up and kissing him again.

<After School>

"Can I have a southern style chicken sandwich, a 10 piece mcnugget, a medium fry and a Mango Pineapple Smoothie?" I asked the cashier.

"Well damn. Just buy the whole menu." Chres laughed sarcastically.

"See but then I won't have any room for dessert." I laughed.

"Lemme get a Big Mac and a large fry with a large sprite." Chres told the cashier. He paid for our food and we sat down in an empty booth to wait for it. Ofcourse Chres had to be the odd ball to sit next to me in the booth instead of sitting across from me.

"Babe." Chres laughed as he nibbled on my neck.

"Stop." I laughed, pushing him away.

"Your food is ready sir!" The cashier raised his voice so we could hear him over my loud giggles. Chres rolled his eyes as we got up and got our food and sat back down at the booth.

"Lemme get a nugget." I laughed and pushed his hand away.

"Could you at least say please?" I giggled, shoving a nugget into his mouth.

"I paid for it! I shouldn't have to ask." He laughed with a mouthful of food.

"I will gladly pay for my food. You insisted. And shut your mouth when your eating." I laughed, mushing him in the face.

"Gimme kiss." He smiled with a mouthful of fries.

"No!" I yelled, pushing his face away from me.

"Come on Jacob." He whined, pulling a piece of my hair.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled, pushing his hand away from me.

"Fine." He pouted eating his food. When he was done chewing I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"There." I laughed as his pout turned into a wide smile.

"Come on! I have to go do my homework." I whined as Chres kissed my neck.

"Come on babe. Just come to my house. You can do your homework over there." He begged, kissing my lips.

"You know if I come over your house i'm not gonna get a chance to do my homework." I laughed.

"I promise I'll let you do it. Just come on." He begged, pecking my lips multiple times causing me to laugh.

"Alright! Alright. Let me go get a change of clothes." I said, lifting up.

"No. You can borrow some of mine. Come on." He said, lifting up and sitting back into the driver's seat before driving off as I pulled out my phone to tell my mom I was spending the night at a friend's house.

Pride {BXB/ Royce}Where stories live. Discover now