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Remember everyone I do not own Fairy Tail, all rights are to Hiro Mashima.

Lucy quickly packed her bag with the help of Virgo, who came on her own. Lucy was so excited after such a long time of wondering she'll finally be able to meet Lisanna Strauss! Lucy could imagine the things they'll do together, sleep overs, doing nails, make up, kissi- WAIT WHAT?! Lucy blushed at the thought and shook her head smacking her cheeks. Bad Lucy! She thought.

"Hime are you alright?" Virgo asked laying a hand on her master's shoulder.

"Y-yeah thanks Virgo just lost in my thoughts." Lucy replied as she looked at the time. She was way ahead of schedule. Guess she really was excited.

Lucy waved Virgo her goodbyes as the faithful spirit disappeared into the Spirit Realm. Lucy grabbed two of her favorite books that Levy McGarden gave her, The Whispers In The Wind and Last Choice. The Celestial mage than proceed to make sure everything was locked and headed to the train station. After buying her ticket, the blond got herself situated on a bench and opened Last Choice putting the other book away into her suitcase.

"Will we make it out?" Tasha nervously grabbed her partners arm at Frace's question.

"Yes we will! I promise you this!" Grant was the first to answer and quickly grabbed Frace's dark skinned hand in reassurance.

The group continued on in the dark corridors the pale walls and red carpet making Tasha more nervous as she held onto Chris's arm. The hallway split two ways and the whole group agreed on sticking together and to head left. Grant and Chris had objects from around-

A finger tapped the edge of Lucy's book and Lucy looked up to see Lisanna, "Did I keep you waiting long?"

Lucy giggled, "Oh no you didn't just reading one of my favorites that Levy-Chan gave me and I finished packing early and headed here ahead of time so there's no worry."

Lisanna sighed in relief and checked the clock above their heads, "We still have some time till our train leaves."

Lucy smiled, "Do you like books?"

The white haired Take-Over mage and the blond Celestial mage talked and giggled over their favorite books realizing their favorite authors were the same. They also noticed they were into the same genre's too.

"Oh," Lucy started as she looked up from their conversation, "The trains here! Let's go Lisanna!"

Out of excitement Lucy grabbed Lisanna's hand and headed towards their train. Lucy couldn't help but notice that Lisanna's hand was warm and comforting, The realization made her blush but she didn't notice Lisanna's red cheeks since she was ahead of her. They took their seats and sat in peaceful silence as Lucy opened Last Choice again. After a couple of hours reading a soft weight on her shoulder made her look to her right. She was face to face with a sleeping Lisanna on her shoulder. Lucy gently smiled and laid the fellow guildmate on her lap just like what she does with Natsu. Lucy stroked Lisanna's hair as she slept and a soft smile appeared on Lisanna's face.

An hour passed and Lucy was still petting Lisanna's hair and they arrived at Locutus. Lucy sighed sadly as she has to wake up Lisanna. She gently shook the other female and Lisanna's eyes fluttered open. Lisanna's brain processed her position and she shoot up blushing looking away from Lucy.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep on you!" Lisanna stuttered out.

Lucy giggled and hugged the girl from behind that unknown to her made Lisanna blush more, "Its okay I don't mind. Natsu does it all the time!"

Lucy let go of Lisanna the warmth they both felt fading away and Lucy reached for her suitcase. Unknown to Lucy, Lisanna felt a sting of jealousy at the fact that Natsu got to sleep on Lucy's lap and Lisanna noticed the feeling and blushed embarrassed at feeling that way. The two girls hopped off the train and wondered around the city confused on where to go.

"Well it says the mayor's house." Lucy read off the mission poster.

"Maybe we can ask around," Lisanna stated as she headed towards an old couple and Lucy followed closely behind, "Excuse me but where is the mayor's house?"

The old lady gently smiled at the two and said, "Why deary it's straight and on a hill a little isolated from the rest of town. You'll see it the further you head down a large house it is. "

"Thank you!" Lisanna and Lucy replied cheerfully as they followed the lady's directions.

They finally reached the mayor's house and they knocked at the door. A woman answered, she had baby blue eyes and long brown hair. She was a little shorter than Lisanna and Lucy and she had red lipstick on popping her round lips. The woman had a butler's outfit on.

"What is your business here?" The woman rudely asked staring Lucy down.

Lucy smiled while Lisanna gapped at the woman, "We're from Fairy Tail."

The woman's eyes widened, "Prove it."

Lucy showed the woman her hand and Lisanna showed her left thigh. The woman opened the door wider so the two may enter.

The mayor looked up than at the two than at his butler, "Are they-?"

"Yes sir they are the mages." The woman replied.

The mayor jumped from his chair and eagerly shook both of their hands, "Thank goodness you're here! This monster needs to be taken care of! It's scaring the farmers and the men chopping the wood!"

He was a middle aged man with black hair and brown eyes, he was also taller than the two mages. He had a expensive suit on and top fashion shoes.

"We are glad to help!" Lisanna said determinedly.

"Show us the way and we'll defiantly the care of the monster." Lucy replied in a business like tone.

"Yes yes! It's been getting dangerously close to my house! It's to the forest to the right and no one knows where the beast resides."

"So we have to walk around in a forest and wait for the beast to attack us?" Lisanna asked as they walked out of the mayor's house and down the hill towards the forest.

"Yup!" Lucy said nonchalantly.

Lisanna giggled, "You're relaxed on this."

"I've had to do this a lot with the Erza, Gray, Happy, and Natsu." Lucy replied.

"I do missions with Mira-Nee-Chan and Elfman-Nii-Chan. Its so nice to be able to do missions with my real family again." Lisanna sighed happily.

Lucy and Lisanna continued their talk as they headed into the forest. They both went quiet listening for any other sounds besides nature. The birds whistling, the cringing of the leaves and sticks, the sun beaming down. Suddenly a group of birds flew off into the distance and a loud boom was heard.

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