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No matter how hard Laxus tried he just couldn't catch Lucy in one of his pranks. He was getting desperate that he even started asking Team Natsu on how to catch her. They all told him they didn't know how to. Laxus started getting Freed's help which when Lucy found out she started learning how to rewrite ruins from Levy. Though Levy also knew how this prank war was going to turn out, she helped Lucy because she gave Levy a good bargain. That bargain was the latest book from Levy's favorite author and Lucy's latest chapter to be completed in two weeks. With the help from Levy, Lucy also got out of Freed's traps for Laxus to get her.

A groan and a slam on the bar caught MiraJane's attention, "Laxus why are you so down?"

"I can't catch Lucy! It's next to impossible!" Laxus shouted as he banged his head against the bar which MiraJane winced at.

Feeling a pat on his back, Laxus turned to see a sympathetic Gray, "We tried warning you Laxus. How long did it take to get all the glitter out of your house?"

Laxus groaned again at the reminder, "Three days."

"Laxus-Sama," Laxus turned to see Freed who sat by him, "In two days is the mission with Lucy and Lisanna."

Laxus grinned, "Maybe I can get her on the train!" Well Laxus plotted to get Lucy, Gray shook his head.

"I think this is the longest someone's ever lasted against Lucy. It's been four days since this has started." Gray said.

Freed looked shocked, "What was the last record?"

"Two days." Gray replied.

Laxus rejoined the conversation, "You don't know what Lucy has fully done to me. She's stuck me in a water fountain, made her mermaid spirit send me from one side of Magnolia to the other side with a tsunami, tied me to a tree with magic binding ropes, stolen all my pillows and sheets, somehow dug up all the trees by my house, decorated the exterior of my house with stickers, threw a stink bomb in my house and it still smells, stuck my coat in spoiled milk and I'm still trying to wash it-."

"Okay Laxus breathe!" MiraJane said worriedly and Laxus stopped.

"For your information, I still have the back side of the house to go with the stickers. Remind me to never go near stickers." Laxus sighed and rested his head on the bar.

"Why haven't you given up yet?" Gray asked.

"She'll run out of ideas soon right? Plus she's not that lucky to always escape my traps. I've got to at least get her once before I call quits." Laxus said as he sighed.

"Laxus-Sama has great determination! He won't give up so easily!" Freed said cheerfully.

MiraJane handed Laxus his beer and when he took a sip, his eyes went wide and he started coughing amd gagging.

"Laxus what's wrong?" MiraJane asked worriedly.

"ALRIGHT LUCY I GIVE! I GIVE!" Laxus shouted as he continued to gag and Freed's jaw dropped.

"Ah the old spoiled goat milk in the drink." Gray said as he cringed remembering how disgusting it was.

Lucy suddenly appeared as she smiled happily, "So you give up Laxus?"

"Yes! Yes! Just no more!" Laxus groaned as he coughed and gagged.

"There, there it'll be over soon." Lucy said as she patted Laxus's back who was kneeling on the ground holding his throat.

Lisanna walked over with a confused look on her face holding empty trays, "What happened here?"

"Laxus was hit with one of Lucy's pranks and he yielded." Gray explained and Lisanna looked over at the soulless Freed who was in deep shock.

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