Freed's Help

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Wow so many read my fourth chapter right when it came out and commented on it! I don't know if you guys were waiting that long but it feels good to be loved! Anyways here's the next chapter. As always Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail!

After Lisanna and Gray finished talking, Lisanna approached Gajeel's table. Lucy and Levy were to busy talking to notice the newcomer. Gajeel, who had smelt the white haired girl, looked up and looked at her confused which was an raised eyebrow. Lisanna pointed towards Lucy and Gajeel nodded understanding her.

"Hey Bunny Girl." Gajeel called out and Lucy scrowled at him.

"I told you not to-"

"Devil Woman's sister wants ya." Gajeel interrupted Lucy and she looked surprised looking to the side seeing Lisanna.

"Oh Lisanna!" Lucy smiled sweetly that made Lisanna's cheeks burn but she pushed it down.

"Do you mind if I sit with you guys?" Lisanna asked.

"No." "Yes." Lucy and Gajeel answered at the same time and Lucy glared at Gajeel.

Gajeel scrowled, "Fine but you're sitting by Bunny Girl."

When Lisanna sat down by the blond haired woman Gajeel groaned which all the girls and exceed on the table looked at him confused. Natsu, who had woken up, screamed Lucy's name as he rushed to the table.

"Luce! What are you doing sitting with Metal Head?!" Natsu shouted as he reached the table.

"I'm talking with everyone here!" Lucy shouted back.

Natsu grinned, "Let's go on a mission since your healed!"

Before Lucy could respond Levy beat her to it, "No way! Me and Lu-Chan are talking about books and her story! Lu-Chan is mine for the day!"

Natsu frowned, "Luce is my best friend and I want to go on a mission with her!"

Levy actually glared at him, "Excuse me! I am Lu-Chan's best friend!"

Lucy, Panther Lily, and Lisanna sweat dropped while Gajeel watched the exchange entertained, "Oh yeah what's her favorite color?!" Natsu challenged.

"Easy! Pink! What's her favorite book?" Levy said.

"Last Choice!" Natsu replied.

"You actually pay attention to what I read?" Lucy questioned giving Natsu a surprised look.

Both of them were too into challenging each other on "Who's Lucy's best friend?" that the statement was ignored. Lucy sighed and waved Gajeel as she grabbed Lisanna and left to ask Freed for his help. They arrived at the Thunder God Tribe table and Laxus was the first to notice them.

"Blondie? Lisanna?" Laxus questioned as he crossed his arms.

"If you haven't noticed your blond too. "Laxus just chuckled, "Anyways we're here to ask Freed for a favor."

That caught the rest of the table's attention and they looked up at the blond haired mage, "What do you acquire of me Lucy-San?" Freed asked.

Lucy leaned in to his ear, "I was wondering if you could set up ruins on my apartment?"

Lucy leaned away and Freed nodded, "Trouble with fire?"

Lucy sighed, "You have no idea."

"I'll gladly help." Freed smiled as Lucy smiled back in relief.

"Everyone here can come while he works on it if you guys want to." Lucy suggested and the table nodded.

"Even me?" Lisanna asked.

Lucy looked at her and smiled, "Of course!"

"Now how to leave without getting Natsu's attention." Lucy said and Laxus grinned.

"Simple." Laxus stood up from his spot and shocked the pink haired mage who was still arguing with Levy.

Natsu passed out and both Lisanna and Lucy winced when he landed on the ground. They headed to Lucy's place as Evergreen was talking to Lucy who was happily discussing with her on their partners. Bickslow joined in as Evergreen insulted him specifically. Lucy playfully shoved Bickslow laughing as he suggested something vulgar. When Lucy brought up a book, that Freed had read before, the green haired mage also joined in.

Laxus and Lisanna were walking behind, "Wow Lucy can get along with anyone." Lisanna said surprised.

Laxus looked at Lisanna and nodded, "She excepts everyone. She doesn't judge. She was one of the first ones to talk normally to Bickslow after Fantasia. Though she didn't get to talk to him or my team a lot."

"With Team Natsu dragging her every where." Lisanna sighed, "I don't think a lot of people besides them and my sister get to talk with her."

"Your not wrong. For example Gray has been following us for a while." Lisanna surprised went to look back and Laxus nudged her, "You'll grab his attention. Don't look back."

"I know Gray's been following us." Laxus and Lisanna looked at Lucy surprised as did everyone there, "What I can hear your conversation. He's too far to be able to hear us though so don't try and look for him or he'll notice. Freed if you wouldn't mind setting up a rune to keep him from going any further, I don't want him stopping the process."

Lucy was looking straight and only at Freed with a smile as if she was talking only to him about something else, "O-Of course."

Freed put a quick rune down and when they walked further they heard Gray smack against his rune.

"Don't worry he's not going to give himself away so he's going to try and find a way around it." Lucy replied.

"Which he's not going to." Freed said a little defensively.

"I know he's not. You are a very capable rune mage and I believe in your ability's. That's why I'm asking you and not Levy." Lucy said and Freed's cheeks were red, "Sure Lisanna suggested you but I could have easily asked Levy's help for it and it would've been less of a hassle and not supicious."

Lisanna looked at Lucy surprised, "I didn't really even think of that. I just suggested Freed because I knew of his rune making from Mira-Nee. I didn't realize Levy could too."

"Of course she can. She was the only one who could break Freed's runes but it took her a while. If Natsu and my team try to ask her to undo it, she would understand I asked Freed to do it for a reason and refuse." Lucy smiled still facing forwards as they continued to walk.

Laxus chuckled, "You thought everything out."

"With a team like mine it comes in handy." Lucy replied with a sigh and her apartment came in view, "Anyways here we are and any possible entrances please cover. Even the smallest of one's because I still don't know how and where they get in from."

They entered and Freed immediately noticed her book collection which Lucy took a note of. When Freed finished Lucy said he could read as much as he wanted to.

"You just created a beast Blondie." Laxus said as Freed rushed off to her shelf.

Bickslow laughed, "Yes you did. He never stops reading."

Lucy smiled, "He can come and read whenever he wants to. I don't mind."

The Thunder God Tribe looked at her surprised, "Are you serious?" Freed asked.

"Yes any of you can come just knock on my door like Freed set up and your free to come in. That counts you too Lisanna." Lucy smiled softly.

Bickslow looked at her, "But what if-"

"Nah ah ah. There are no what ifs or buts. All of you are part of Fairy Tail and that makes you apart of my family." Everyone looked relieved even Laxus.

While everyone discussed when they could actually do a mission together, Lisanna felt her heart fall for Lucy hard while she watched them.

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