The Mission

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Hiya everyone! I hope you have been enjoying the story so far and remember only Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail!

Lucy and Lisanna ran to where the blast was heard. They came face to face with a monster ten feet tall with long strong arms capable of smashing houses in one go. The blast was created by the monster picking up a tree and swinging it into a bomb deeper into the forest planted by the villagers to trap the monster. The farmers ran out the way as the monster smashed the ground in anger.

"Open gate of the Bull: Taurus!" Lucy called out as Taurus formed beside her at her call.

Take-Over Animal Soul: Leopard!" Lisanna had claws for hands and Leopard legs for speed.

Lucy time out her trusty whip, Fleuve d'étoiles, and with a battle cry she wrapped it around the monsters leg burning it. Lisanna quickly striked the monster in the face multiple times, distracting the monster from the fleeing farmers. With all of Lucy's strength, she pulled making the monster fall backwards. Taurus dodged the monsters fall and hit the creature with his axe. With Taurus's hit, the monster stopped moving. Lucy and Lisanna made sure the monster didn't move again. The girls grinned at each other at their success.

"Miss Lucy look out!" Taurus yelled as he pushed Lucy out of the way and he got hit by a beam, disappearing into the Spirit world.

"Taurus," Lucy yelled as she quickly regained balance and whipped out Fleuve d'étoiles, "Who dare hit one of my family?!"

"That would be me. You might be defeated my monster but I won't be as easy." A cold voice said as a male steeped out of the shadows of the woods.

He had navy blue long hair in a pony tail with his bangs covering his right eye. He was fair skinned and had brown eyes. He was tall and buff like Laxus but a little smaller. He was wearing this:

Looking at both Lisanna and Lucy he put his hands up his forefinger and thumb finger in a pistol form and shot beams from his finger tips

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Looking at both Lisanna and Lucy he put his hands up his forefinger and thumb finger in a pistol form and shot beams from his finger tips.

"Open Gate of the Lion: Leo!" Lucy called at swinging Loke's key as she summoned him dodging the bullets.

Lisanna launched herself at the male and round house kicked him using her leopard speed. He went flying but landed on his feet and his hands glowed red as he fired larger beams at the three.

"Princess be careful!" Loke yelled as Lucy barely dodged a beam watching Lisanna quickly dodge a close counter beam.

"Ah r-right!" Lucy replied blushing in embarrassment.

Lucy and Loke team attacked the male as Lucy swung her whip multiple times towards him. Lucy's hits backed the male into Loke's Regulus Impact as he went flying.

Lisanna ran up to him and her fists flew at his face but he kicked her back. Next Loke fought hand to hand with the man, keeping him busy from shooting beams. Lucy jumped in and kicked him in the stomach when Loke moved to let Lucy have a hit. Lucy's whip wrapped around his middle and with a battle cry, Lucy threw him into a tree and the tree broke from impact falling into the ground creating dust.

Lisanna coughed from the dust, "Did we get him?!"

"LISANNNA!" Lucy screamed as she saw the male behind her ready to strike her down.

Lisanna whirled around and closed her eyes ready for the impact. But instead she felt someone else's body collapse into her own.

"Lucy!" Loke yelled watching the attack instead hit his key holder and collapse on Lisanna.

"Lucy! Why?!" Lisanna turned herself over holding her fallen comrade close to her getting ready for another strike from the dark skinned male in front of them.

"Regulus Impact!" Loke hit the male at the back of his head quickly knocking him out.

Loke kneeled by the two looking at the injured Lucy, "I'm alright you two just hurting a bit." Lucy covered the injured spot with her hand.

"Let us see." Loke gently moved her hand away from her shoulder to see a bleeding wound.

Lisanna gasped, "Can you move it Lucy?" Lucy moved her shoulder but winced in pain.

"Good than its not serious." Loke and Lisanna sighed in relief at Lucy's bluntness as Loke pulled bandages out from the Spirit world.

Loke patches Lucy up and helped her and Lisanna to their feet. Lucy called Virgo to tie the man up and Loke carried the man. Virgo helped Lisanna walk by taking her right side and Lucy took her left. They walked back to the mayor's house and knocked on the door and the butler answered again. She took one look at the four and let them in. Lisanna walked on her own and Virgo disappeared back to the Spirit Realm.

Lucy smiled her business smile towards the mayor, "The beast has been taken care of and this man has been controlling the beast so we took care of him too."

"Great! Great! Since you did so well and you took out an extra person in giving you hundred thousand jewels more!"

Lisanna and Lucy looked at him surprised, "That's not necessary sir." Lisanna replied.

"Oh please it's just hundred thousand jewels please please take it for my gratitude! Oh and me and Hirion, my butler, have already separated the jewels for you." The mayor said happily.

Hirion walked in with two separate bags full of jewels for their reward, "Thank you sir." Lisanna replied.

"Please call me Tortus you two and come back to Locutus any time you want! Our city will glady accept you and your guild back. I look forward to working with Fairy Tail again!" Tortus waved them out as the butler handed them the bags and bowed.

Lucy and Lisanna gave each other high fives as they reached the hotel. It had been a long but successful day for them. Lucy stretched as Lisanna gathered their keys for their room. Lucy and Lisanna entered their room only to realize there was one bed! They both looked at each other than quickly looked away blushing. Looks like the lady failed to mention there was only one bed. Lucy put the bags of jewels away in her suitcase and grabbed clothes for a shower. She got a pink nightgown with little ruffles at the top. Opening the door, Lucy gaped at the restroom. It was fit for a royal! Lucy took a peaceful shower as she relaxed her body as the cool water hit her body. She took the bandages off her shoulder and hissed as the water hit her wound. Lucy made sure to carefully wash over it. After finishing the shower Lucy rewrapped the wound and got dressed for bed. Lisanna quickly jumped in the bathroom after Lucy exited but of course Lucy failed to notice Lisanna's red cheeks at Lucy's image. Lucy laid on the bed and slowly drifted to sleep. 

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