The All Out War

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Sorry for the long wait! I've been busy trying to get my life going. I've been running around like crazy and worrying about so much stuff. I finally got a break so I'm writing as much as I can. I'll probably finish this in two hours if I have that much time. Anyways as always I do not own Fairy Tail!

Lucy woke up in the morning engulfed in a hug by Wendy. Light was coming through her living room window. Wendy groaned and nuzzled her head into Lucy's chest when the curtains shifted and shined light in Wendy's eyes. Lucy grabbed her pillow and squeezed it between her and Wendy. She shifted out of Wendy's hold who ended up squeezing the pillow. Lucy quickly cooked breakfast and grabbed her belt and keys, heading off to the door. Before she left she looked at everyone sleeping on the air mattresses and smiled. Lucy walked out the door and breathed the outside air before shutting the door and locking it. The ruins Freed set up, allowed people to exit but they couldn't enter unless they had Lucy's permission or it was Lucy herself. Everyone in her house currently was allowed to leave, they just couldn't go back if they forgot something.

Lucy felt refreshed after letting her worries and tears out so she happily skipped towards Fairy Tail. She opened the doors and looked around in shock. Every table and chair were destroyed, not a single one spared. Makarov was in his large form fighting some of the members who went flying from his hits. Erza and MiraJane were throwing punches at each other in their normal clothes, luckily they weren't using their magic. Cana threw a barrel of liquor at Levy, who in return, fired Solid Script magic her way. Romeo and Asuka were tag teaming Warren who was running away from Romeo's flames while shouting something about somebody. It wasn't a normal guild fight by the look in the guild mates eyes. The only ones who weren't fighting were an exasperated Evergreen, Freed, Juvia, and Bickslow. Lucy watched in shock and then shook out of it, a dark aura coming to life around her.

"STOP FIGHTING THIS INSTANT!" Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs and everyone froze, paling.

What Happened before Lucy arrived

MiraJane opened the doors of the guild, happily humming. She drilled Lisanna on how to win Lucy's heart till Lisanna passed out. MiraJane thought it went splendid and she was assured that Lisanna would be victorious. Lisanna was still asleep so MiraJane went to the guild alone. Usually Lisanna would help out on opening the guild and cleaning up from the guild mates messes but today it was just MiraJane. After picking up the chairs and fixing the tables to the best of her abilities, MiraJane went to the back of the bar ready to serve her guild mates. MiraJane picked up her notebook of ships and violently scribbled out "NaLu".

"What you doing there Mira?" A voice asked and MiraJane looked up and smiled.

Makarov shivered at the look in her eyes, "Oh, I'm marking off a horrific ship off my list."

Makarov raised an eyebrow while Cana walked up to them hearing everything, "What do you mean your marking a ship off? You love all ships!" Cana exclaimed who had a barrel beside her which she was leaning on.

MiraJane spoke darkly a angered look on her face, "NaLu."

The two looked surprised, "But that was your favorite ship!" Master Makarov said.

MiraJane had a blissed face on her look which calmed down the two, "That was till LuLi came along!"

"LuLi? That's a new one." Cana replied.

"My little sister and Lucy!" MiraJane squealed out squeezing her hands against the sides of her face.

Both their jaws dropped, "L-Lisanna and Lucy?!" They shouted together flabbergasted.

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