The Battle and Heartbreak

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Erza blocked the woman's attack and kicked her back. MiraJane took that chance to let an onslaught of attack. When MiraJane was pushed back, Erza appeared behind the woman a sliced at her back. The tentacles blocked Erza's attack then grabbed her by the arms and swing her towards a wall. MiraJane flew behind her and caught her before tossing Erza back at the woman. While Erza faced her frontwards, MiraJane blasted at her from behind. The woman tried dodging to the side sensing MiraJane's blast which Erza accounted for. Erza quickly transformed into her Purgatory Armor and smacked her sword into her side keeping her still to take MiraJane's blast. The woman took the blast and Erza jumped to the side as the woman flew into a wall.

"Be on your guard! She hasn't used magic yet." Erza warned as she jumped to MiraJane's side.

"Hmph don't you think I know that?" MiraJane said grinning.

The woman appeared out of the debris and smiled, "I have a question for you two."

The two Fairy Tail mages tensed, "What is it?"

"Do you know what happens to a Celestial Mage or a Celestial Spirit when they die?" The woman asked the permanent grin on her face getting wider.

She whipped out a set of daggers before throwing one into the ground, "Come out: The Weeping Mother!"

Who appeared in front of them, shocked MiraJane and Erza to the core.

The Escaping Gang

"Gray how is-" Lisanna began to ask only to be interrupted.

"SHE'S GETTING BETTER STOP ASKING!" Gray finally snapped as Lucy's color slowly came back to her natural tone but it took a lot out of Gray.

Lisanna grumbled to herself while Juvia glared at the white haired girl, "Lasagna stop being so annoying! Hey Gray can I carry-"

"YOU'RE NOT ANY BETTER YOU DIMWIT!" Everyone else shouted and they both shut up.

"Can you overlook this one time that I kill two guildmates?" Laxus asked his Grandfather, Makarov.

The master of Fairy Tail grumbled, "I'm just about to suddenly turn blind, if that answers your question."

"Zilong, are we near to being out?" Hera asked rubbing the temples of her forehead.

"I wish. I've almost made it once so I know where the exit is, but no we're not close enough to be out of our misery." The Warrior replied sounding miserable.

"You can't summon potions right now?" Evergreen grumbled towards the Witch which she shook her head to, "Dammit I was hoping you could posion those annoying sick love puppies."

"Maybe I can fill in that wish?" A child called out and everyone went on alert.

"Who's there?!" Makarov shouted as everyone put the asleep and powerless people in the middle of the large group.

A little girl, who was about Romeo's age when Lucy first meet him, came out of the shadows from ahead everyone. The girl had dark purple hair into tiny pigtails with a funeral outfit. She held a teddy bear in her arms, that looked to be summoned from hell. She looked to be sickly pale and the black veil covered her entire face and the only think seen was red bloody eyes.

She tilted her head but only seeing bloody eyes from a veil with a demon bear it didn't look innocent, "Why are you all so tense? Konogi just wants to play a little game."

"Juvia will handle the little girl. Get Love-Rival and Wendy out of here." The Water Woman said cracking her knuckles.

"Ah Juvia are you sure?" Levy asked.

Juvia looked back and her face was livid, "Juvia needs to let of some tension. Juvia has not been very happy."

"But a kid?" Levy asked again sweat dropping.

"That's no little girl." Makarov spoke up, "She seems young but it seems she is carrying a demon."

"Very observant old man. Konogi is a demon and I'm not little. Konogi is a granter of wishes and I wanted to be a child again but I gave my soul in return." The girls giggles echoed.

"Is it just me, or is everyone really creepy here so far?" Natsu asked puzzled.

Facepalms insured even the bear, "No Salamander, I haven't noticed." Replied a sarcastic Gajeel.

"Huh. You need to pay more attention then." Said Natsu as he shrugged.


"K-O-N-O-G-I!" The girl shouted very slowly dragging out the bears name.

The bear dropped to ground growing in size as the shadows of the room dispersed in fear, "Go! Juvia has this handled!"

"Thank you Juvia." A sincere Gray said before everyone followed Zilong to another route.

Juvia blushed and melted into the ground, "GRAY-SAMA THANKED ME!"

Red mist surrounded Juvia's melting from and spliced at her. The blue haired woman yelled in shock that she felt the pain. The little girl was surprised when she was forced into Juvia's Water Lock. The Juvia that the mist attacked became a puddle.

"Do not understatement Juvia! Gray-Sama is relying on Juvia!" She shouted as pillars of water consumed the overgrown teddy bear and the girl was in her Water Lock.

"What are your wishes?" The demonic bear asked and Juvia thought of her beloved Gray-Sama as she started daydreaming.

"We can make that come true." Juvia felt something began to invade her mind as the girl spoke.

"He can be all yours." The bear continued.

"Just as you have always wished."

"All of him to yourself, everyone is out of your way." Juvia was close to blacking out.

"Come on Juvia." They sang together, "Your dreams will become reality! Give in for Gray."

"For.... Gray-Sama?" Juvia sounded dazed.

What is happening to Juvia?! Who did MiraJane and Erza see?! Natsu and Lisanna are probably going to be murdered by the rest of Fairy Tail. Will Lucy fully recover?
Also thank you for everyone's concerns, day by day I'm still walking but mentally struggling. I love everyone.

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