Lucy's Love

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When Lucy gave everyone permission to enter her house, which Natsu pouted at the fact the ruins were there, they all entered. Even though Freed put up amazing ruins, it couldn't stop Celestial Spirits from appearing in Lucy's house whenever they wanted. Loke appeared in a shimmer of lights and wrapped Lucy in the tightest of hugs, picking her up off the floor.

"L-Loke?!" Lucy exclaimed and both Lisanna and Natsu glared at him which he ignored.

"Lucy! I'm so glad your alright! The Celestial King told us everything!" Loke said happily tears in his eyes.

The two in love with Lucy, stopped glaring when they realized he was just relived to see her, "Zodiac Leader I suggest you put her down. Do not treat the Celestial Warrior as an equal." Hera said her arms folded across her chest.

"Hera don't be like that! They are my friends and will always be my friends!" Lucy said hugging Loke back and scolding Hera.  

"I apologize Lucy." Hera said as Loke put Lucy down.

Lucy asked how her other spirits were doing and Loke explained how the Celestial World was fairing. As it turned out, none of her spirits were happy with Lucy being the Celestial Warrior but agreed she was the only one who could hold the title with grace.

"So Lucy." Loke started with a grin on his face, "Since your technically a Celestial Spirit, does that mean I have a chance?"

Everyone in the room gapped at him and Lisanna and Natsu glared murder at him.


Loke was expecting Natsu and Hera but he was surprised at Lisanna's threat. Everyone, except for Natsu, was surprised at Lisanna as they looked at her. Lisanna blushed at the attention and blushed more when Lucy looked her way.

"Hera, Natsu, and Lisanna! Loke is joking, you Natsu especially know that!" Lucy said firmly and the three looked down.

"B-But Luce/Lucy-" The three said starting to protest.

Lucy shook her head, "Hera I understand you. You are a symbol of the Celestial Warrior and you have the mindset that I'm above others but that is not true. Natsu, you have always been protective of me but Loke will never hurt me. You know that. Lisanna, I have never seen you that angry but you mistake Loke's intentions. My spirits will never do something to harm me and their all very weird in their own way. Loke is a Playboy, Virgo loves to ask for punishment, Gemi and Mini love playing pranks and embarrassing me, Aries is shy and apologizes for everything, Aquarius has quite the temper but is a puddle around Scorpio, Scorpio is an excited bundle of energy, Capricorn is a strict gentleman, Sagittarius and Cancer have their verbal tic, and Taurus is a pervert. That's only my Zodiac keys. Lisanna they mean me no harm, that's just how they are and I let them be who they are."

Lisanna and Natsu looked down, ashamed they upset Lucy, "I understand Lucy. I will try and make you more proud to call me your trainer." Hera said bowing.

"Hera stand. You are my friend, not just my trainer." Lucy prompted and Hera smiled standing tall.

Wendy smiled at Lucy, "Lucy-San? May I call you Onee-Chan?"

Natsu paled which Lucy didn't notice as she turned to Wendy, "Of course imōto!"

Wendy cheered and hugged Lucy which the older woman hugged back. Erza looked at the pale Natsu confused. Natsu nodded his head towards Lucy's room and Erza followed.

"As a Dragon Slayer we take family and mates, or lovers, very seriously. Wendy and Laxus are marking Lucy as a sibling which I think Gajeel is doing also. We are very protective of our lovers or family which is why I'm protective over Lucy. I might have a hard time with three Dragon Slayers marking Lucy as a sibling. Getting their approval would be tough." Natsu explained.

Erza spoke seriously, "Then we have to try harder. You need to work on your skills."

"They already know I'm trying to get Lucy because I've been spreading my scent on her which tells other Dragon Slayers that she's taken." Natsu said.

"Yes we already know that, Natsu-San." A voice spook coldly and the two looked over shocked.

Wendy had a stern look in her eyes with Laxus beside her, glaring at Natsu. Gajeel had his arms crossed a piece of iron in his mouth.

"Your going to have to prove yourself Natsu. We're not handing our sister over so easily." Gajeel said darkly cracking his knuckles.

Erza glared, "How did you two get in?"

"Blondie let us in and we over heard you two talking. Thought we should make our intentions very clear." Laxus said.

"Lisanna-San you should come out too." Wendy said as Lisanna came through the door.

"We know of your advancements towards Bunny Girl, Whitey. We've seen the signals." Lisanna blushed and was stunned they knew.

"Wait wait! Lisanna is after Lucy?! Natsu we need to work even more then!" Erza shouted.

"Sorry Erza but me and Lisanna are winning this one." MiraJane said walking in with a dark smile on her face, "I admit I did support NaLu until I saw my sister's attraction towards her. LuLi is really adorable too!"

Everyone in the room sweat dropped when the two glared at each other, "You can trust in me that Natsu is winning Lucy's heart." Erza spoke darkly.

"Ara Ara, Erza you are gravely mistaken." MiraJane said and sparks flew between the two which Laxus was tempted to eat.

"No one is getting Onee-Chan's heart without our approval." Wendy inputted with the other two noddimg their own dark aura's flaring up.

The Dragon Slayers tensed up, "Luce is coming!" Natsu said and the dark aura's went down.

Lucy with Hera, Happy, Panther Lily, Carla, and Gray trailing her came in, "I thought I sensed something really evil in here. Are you all alright?" Lucy asked.

Wendy hugged Lucy and smiled sweetly, "Everything is okay Onee-Chan!"

Gray looked skeptical, "Are you sure? We thought we sensed the Demon King's birth."

"Me and Erza were.... Disagreeing on something. Lisanna let's go home! We have some work to do!" MiraJane grabbed the pale Lisanna and marched out of Lucy's apartment waving goodbye.

"Natsu and I have some things to do also. Natsu let's go!" A terrified Natsu was dragged out by Erza.

"What was that about?" A confused
Panther Lily asked.

"Nothing cat." Laxus replied scoffing which Gajeel glared at him for.

"I better go save Natsu. Sorry Lushi I'll visit another time!" Happy said quickly flying into Lucy's chest and giving her a hug.

Happy tried giving Carla a fish as a farewell gift but of course was rejected. He left Lucy's apartment disappointed but in a hurry.

*Cracks my knuckles* Alright that is that! Also I have very little connection at the camping trip and the trip has its good moments but I get super bored so I start writing. I'm wondering if I should start another story. Tell me what you guys think if I should and what it should be on, it's Fairy Tail by the way. Chow Chow Fairun Roseabell out!

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