Their Hearts

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Sorry about not updating for a super long time. I stopped writing because I felt like this wasn't getting any attention and I deleted Wattpad. When I wanted to download it again my phone broke and I had to wait a long while to get a new one.

Lucy slowly woke up to light in her eyes. She grumbled moving closer to warmth and hiding her face into the pillow. That was until her pillow breathed. Lucy eyes shot wide open out of shock and she tried scrambling back but arms tightened around her waist. Lucy's face burned at her situation. Lisanna had her arms around her waist and their legs were entangled together. Her pillow was Lisanna's chest. Lucy froze as Lisanna moved and opened her eyes. Both girls didn't move and stared at each other. Lisanna's face fired up and she quickly let go of Lucy, untangling her legs from hers and rushed to the restroom. Lucy watched with a red face and she counted down calming herself. Lucy hoped it wouldn't cause the two to be awkward towards each other.

Lucy and Lisanna walked towards the train station in complete silence. Lisanna was frustrated with the fact that she has nothing to say to Lucy because of this morning.

"Lisanna are you alright?" Lucy was waving a hand in front of her face.

Lisanna blushed, "Oh yeah I'm okay."

Lucy smiled at Lisanna, "That's good I thought you were mad."

Lisanna gave her a confused look, "What would I be mad at you for?"

"This morning." Lucy replied blushing.

"Oh that's not your fault! Why would you think that way?"

Lucy's cheeks flared as she shrugged and looked at the window watching the scenery zoom past. Lisanna frowned as Lucy looked away and they were quiet again.

Lisanna finally spoke, "Why would I be mad? I used to sleep like that with Mira-Nee and besides don't you and Erza sleep together sometimes?"

Lucy looked at Lisanna and nodded, "It's more like they barge in and sleep on my bed! Though there are times where I choose to sleep with Erza when they only give us two beds. Natsu and Gray sleep together while me and Erza bunk. Happy sleeps with Natsu and Gray. Erza squeezes the life out of me when she hugs me in her sleep though, which is rare. Wendy has a bed of her own." Lucy sweat dropped.

Lisanna felt a rare jealousy but she pushed it down, "See it's normal! There's no reason for anyone to be mad. Besides I was the one who trapped you."

The blond haired girl sighed, "Yes but I'm always bothered by it. Sleeping on the same bed, with a female, I can do but when we cuddle it's different. I like men and women though I'm more against sleeping in the same bed with a guy. Even though Natsu always sneaks into my house and in my bed when I'm sleeping."

Lisanna felt that jealousy again but she once again ignored it because she didn't understand why she felt jealous, "Maybe you can ask Freed to put runes around your apartment? I did suggest that before we left."

"Yeah it's a great idea! Finally I can be free from the intrusions!" Lucy shouted cheerfully.

Lisanna giggled at her happiness and the girls continued to talk the train ride back home. When they got to the guild a very glad Natsu rushed Lucy.

"Luce! I was so worried when I woke up and you were gone! The others said you left on a mission without me and Happy!" Natsu pulled her into a hug and Lucy yelped when his hand brushed against her injured shoulder.

Loke appeared and punched Natsu in the face making him let go of Lucy, "Natsu you idiot! Lucy is hurt!"

The guild gasped and Wendy rushed over, "Where is it?! I can heal you Lucy-San!"

Before Lucy can reply Lisanna beat her to it, "On her right shoulder! Oh it's all my fault! I wasn't watching out for myself and Lucy took a hit for me!"

Lucy shook her head, "No it's not your fault Lisanna. I did what anybody would do for anyone." Wendy led her away to the Infirmary.

Natsu recovered from the hit Loke gave him and looked at Lisanna, "Luce is supposed to go on missions with me and Team Natsu!"

Lisanna felt that jealousy again, "Lucy can go with whoever she wants to!"

"I'm supposed to stay by Lucy's side so she won't get hurt like she did!"

Lisanna flinched at Natsu's words, "Natsu! Lucy is entitled to go with anyone she wants to go with!" Erza said and Natsu paled.

MiraJane and Elfman rushed to Lisanna, "Lisanna! Are you hurt too?!"

"No Lucy watched after me. She got hurt because I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." Lisanna's head fell in guilt.

"Don't feel guilty." Erza said who had Natsu in a headlock, "Lucy will take hits for anyone. She'll guard anyone, and her spirits, with her body and soul."

"That's why..... I have to..... Watch her!" Natsu exclaimed trying to breathe and get out of the headlock.

Lucy came down the stairs with her shoulder all healed and she rolled her eyes, "I'm fine Natsu. It was only a small wound."

Wendy nodded, "Yes it didn't take much and it wasn't bad."

Lisanna ran to Lucy's side, "You're alright now?"

Lucy smiled reassuringly, "Yes Wendy is an excellent healer." Wendy blushed at the compliment.

Erza nodded and released a passed out Natsu, "Now Natsu apologize to Lisanna!"

Everyone sweat dropped and MiraJane smiled, "He's knocked out Erza."

Erza looked down at Natsu and started banging his head in the ground to wake him up, "Erza! That won't work!" Lucy panicked as she grabbed Erza's arm.

"Ah okay then I will wait for him to wake up." Erza lifted up Natsu onto her shoulder and returned to the table she was sitting. She dropped Natsu on the other side of the bench, sat down on her spot and resumed eating her cake.

Lucy sat with Levy and Gajeel with Panther Lily. The two passed books to each other and excitedly talked about the books they were currently reading.

MiraJane patted her sisters shoulder, "Don't mind Natsu. He has always been very protective of Lucy. There was this one time Lucy was being beat and Natsu was trapped under boulders. He told her to run but she refused saying it was funner when they were together."

Lisanna sighed, "I just feel so bad and like I let Lucy down."

"Lucy is more aware then a lot of us." Gray said as he walked up to the two, "She is very smart and has a watchful eye because Team Natsu tends to not pay attention to their surroundings."

"Why are you being so hard on yourself about this Lisanna?" MiraJane asked.

"It was probably my only chance to impress her but I ruined it." Lisanna sighed again.

Elfman shouted, "Impressing is manly!"

Gray raised an eyebrow ignoring Elfman, "Why do you want to impress Lucy?"

Lisanna looked away and blushed but her older sister caught it, "I don't really get hang out with Lucy because Team Natsu is always dragging her around everywhere. The only times I get to talk to her is when I'm helping out at the bar and she orders something."

Gray sweat dropped, "Yeah we're very energetic and love to go on missions."

As Gray and Lisanna continued to talk, MiraJane was feeling that her sister was hiding something. No worries! I'll find out soon enough, MiraJane thought to herself.

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