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jack makes his way down the hallway, spotting daniel seavey and jonah marais. they always met up by daniel's locker whenever jack wasn't late, which recently had been often.

"look who it is!" jonah yells high fiving jack and doing their secret handshake they had made up in sixth grade, the year jonah and daniel both coincidently moved into town three blocks away from jack. the pair since then have been inseparable.

"jack!" daniel happily exclaims gaining the attention of some people around them. he laughs shaking his head. "thought you were gonna be late again." he says cocking an eyebrow at him, a smirk on his lips.

"nope not today."

daniel then starts laughing, jack squinting his eyes at the boy doubled over in laughter.

"you.. have.. toothpaste..." he couldn't finish his sentence laughter falling from his lips. jack reaches up to the corners of his mouth and sure enough he could feel the stickiness of toothpaste left on the side of his mouth. jack rolls his eyes, grabbing a wipe he kept in his bag. he wipes the toothpaste off the side of his mouth jonah eyeing him and a smirk on his lips.

"why didn't you tell me i had toothpaste on my mouth, marais." he says glaring at jonah who now was chuckling at the boy.

before jack could continue the conversation a shoulder roughly bumps into his. zach herron. jack turns towards the boy, about to say something, but when he saw the glare of hate he sent him he zipped his mouth shut.

zach herron wasn't a guy you started fights with, nor one you wanted to talk to. he had this intimating glint his eyes that always seemed to scare people away. he scared jack away the day he tried to befriend the younger boy. let's just say it didn't work out well and zach ended up in detention and jack left school that day with a dislike towards the boy and a bruise under his eye and heart.

"did you hear about the fight?" daniel questions. jack shakes his head, the previous night jack had stayed home studying for the chemistry quiz he had next period. "apparently corbyn besson and zach got into a fight over the shit that happened before break." daniel says. jack remembers the fight, he remembers zach punching him and the look of anger in his eyes. it sent chills down his spine just to see him like that.

jack had thought corbyn and zach were friends considering the pair always were together. but apparently they weren't considering the fight they had, which jack and everybody else doesn't know what the fight was about.

"that's who gave him that black eye?!" jonah questions raising his voice slightly. daniel shushes him, looking around for zach who was three lockers down from them, his earbuds in not listening to them. "why didn't anyone tell me about the fight with zach and corbyn?" jonah pouts. he always tended to be left out on what's going in school, including what's going on in class.

jack rolls his eyes. "literally it was all everyone talked about. i don't understand why corbyn got expelled yet zach's dumbass got to stay," jack scoffs. "his mommy obviously pulled the mentally unstable card." jack jokes looking over towards zach, who was on his phone, his eyebrow creased.

jonah smacks his arm, "stop talking about him before you get your ass kicked. again." jonah sends him a look, remembering what had happened their freshmen year. jack shivers pushing it to the back of his mind.

"he won't do shit. he'll get expelled." jack smirks nodding his head towards zach. jonah and daniel shake their heads at him, jack not realizing who was behind him.

"doesn't mean i can't fight you off school grounds." he whispers close to jack's ear. his breath against his ear sent shivers down his back, his face paling.

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