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jack was sat in his ap english class, doodling in his notebook, his thoughts stuck on last night and daniel's words. jack wanted to give tutoring zach another try again, but he knew something bad was bound to happen. the pair together were like a ticking timebomb, bound to self destructed any minute they spent longer together than the wanted to.

the bell to fifth period sounds, pulling jack out of his thoughts. he shoves his things into his bag, quickly making his exit for his next class. before he could even get far a body collided with his, knocking the person's papers out of their hands.

"jesus fucking christ!" zach. the sound of his angry voice rang in jack's ear making him flinch away slightly. "watch where you're going." he hisses picking up his papers.

jack without thinking helps him, glancing at one of the papers that seemed to have song lyrics scribbled on it. "these are good." jack complimented him, handing the paper which he snatches it from his grasp crumbling it in his hands.

"you left your books at my house," he then says rolling his eyes. "stop by to get them or i'm trashing them." he then parts ways with jack, leaving the boy speechless. he wanted to ask zach if he wanted him to tutor him again, but the words were caught in his throat trapped by the want to get away from zach and be as far from him as possible.

daniel eyes jack hopefully from the opposite side of the hallway. jack shakes his head, making his way to daniel, who's smile had flattered.

"you didn't ask him. didn't you?" jack shakes his head, daniel slapping his arm. "that was your chance." jack holds his arm, rolling his eyes at daniel.

"i think it's better this way."

daniel then smacks him again, this time upside the head. "stop acting like such a pussy and tutor the fucking kid." daniel's words surprised jack he never was one to swear, only on occasion where someone really was pushing his buttons, and jack sensed he was doing that now.

"i'll ask him at lunch," jack departs from daniel, who lets out of huff of annoyance.

jack's next period was lunch, and when he sat in class the time seemed to tick slower, his pencil tapping against the desk. sounds faded in out, his mind no longer able to focus on the teacher blabbing on about equations or some shit. he stares off into space, his chin rested on his arm that laid on the desk. this was unlike jack, he never was one of those students who daydreamed. but something about today made his thoughts buzz no longer concerned about school.

fucking zach herron that's who.

"jack." the voice of his teacher calling pulled him out of his thoughts, sitting up to face the teacher who was looking at him for answer on the sheet, he was still was yet to complete.

"um..." jack nervously hums looking down at the paper. "c equals the square root of 190." he deadpans, sliding his paper closer to him. he scribbled down the answers on the broad quickly before the teacher would erase them.

"correct." she says smiling at jack writing the answer on the broad.

jack slouches into his seat, arms crossed. he found more interest in the scribbles on his desk, obscenities scribbled into it. jack lays his head against the cold surface of his desk, wishing this day could be over and he didn't have to talk to zach next period.

what's the harm if i break daniel's promise and give up on zach?


"did you hear?" the voice of jonah marais whispers, a little too loudly to daniel, who cocks a brow at him. "that besson kid is coming back." at the mention of corbyn's last name zach clenches his fist, his nails digging into them.

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