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jack stood by the entrance of the school doors, playing with his keys as he waited for zach to appear. jack saw daniel eyeing him as he put his books into his locker, wondering who jack was waiting for. daniel makes his way towards jack, raising a brow.

"you talk to zach?" daniel questions. jack nods toying with his keys still.

"yeah. and for once in like a million years we didn't argue," he smiles softly. he then continues. "it was actually nice talking to him and not wanting to punch him in the face." jack smiles. daniel chuckles throwing his back.

"are you waiting for zach?" jack nods daniel nodding his head smirking at him. "have fun." he says walking away.

when daniel disappeared out the doors, waving a bye, zach appears walking down the hallway, his bag slung over his shoulder. when zach neared jack he could smell the scent of weed mixed with cologne. and for some fucked up reason the smell intrigued jack, making his brow crease in curiosity.

"are you high?" he questions walking out the door with zach tagging along behind him, a bored look plastered on his face. jack could see his eyes were rimmed red, and glossed over and his naturally pink cheeks were flushed red.

"so what if i am?" he shrugs waiting for jack to unlock his car doors. jack doesn't making zach smack his head against the door, but not hard enough to hurt him.

"i'm not tutoring you if you're high!" jack practically yells, gaining the attention of a few people who were left in the parking lot. zach shushes him, putting his finger to his mouth.

"well looks like you're never gonna need to tutor me." zach a smirk makes its way onto zach's lips, a giggle tumbling from his lips.

jack unlocks the car, sliding into the drivers seat, sighing loudly.

"let's make a deal." jack then says turning towards zach who's head was rested against the dashboard. staring lazily at jack.

"which is?"

"if i'm gonna tutor you, your dumbass can't be high or i won't hesitate to get you expelled." jack a devious smirk made its way onto jack's lips, starting the car.

"you're blackmailing me?" zach dryly chuckles, rolling his eyes.

"no i'm just simply making a deal with you." he says the smirk not disappearing from his stupid lips as he backed out of the parking lot.

the drive zach's house was silent, the pair not speaking a word to other. the only sound filling the car was the music playing from jack's aux. jack tapped his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of chase atlantic's song friends. he hummed the lyrics softly, ignoring zach who was staring at him.

when zach pulled into the driveway of zach's house, zach quickly got out of the car rushing to the entrance of his house. jack rolled his eyes at the boy, shoving his keys into the pocket of his red purpose tour hoodie. he makes his way to the steps of the house, following zach inside when he got the door unlocked.

"want anything to drink?" zach offers walking into the kitchen. jack shakes his head following him.

"when is your mom coming home?" he questions, zach shrugs, grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle of water from the fridge. he walks over to the table, taking a seat. jack follows behind him, sliding into the chair across from zach.

"dunno. she had a meeting out of town." he says shoving a couple chips into his mouth, jack suppresses the urge to cringe at him, knowing if he did it likely would hit a nerve and ruin the partially calm atmosphere looming around them.

"you're mom texted me reminding me you're also failing math." zach lets out a groan, rolling his eyes.

"well we all can't be as smart as you." zach shrugs talking with his mouthful. jack scrunches up his nose, not wanting to see the food in zach's mouth.

jack pulls out the extra math book he had borrowed from the math class zach was failing. zach groans, shoveling more chips into his mouth, crumbs spilling all over his lap and fell floor.

"where are those boo-," jack cuts himself off, walking over to the bookshelf and grabbing them. zach's mother must've sat them there, seeing as zach wasn't the type of person to do this. "let's do math first." he lets out a long breath sitting back down. zach moves the bag of chips towards jack, who shakes his head cracking open the math book to the page zach's teacher bookmarked for him.

zach moves his chair closer to jack, looking over the math problem he had written down, his hand writing neatly scribbled across the lined paper. zach picks up the pencil jack sat down for him, his lips pursed as he tried to solve the math problem in his head. jack watched him, his lip tugged between his teeth. he studied zach's facial features, noticing the crease between his brow, and the rosiness of his cheeks. he noticed they were naturally pink. he also noticed zach's lip was tugged between his teeth, his tongue slightly poking out as he scribbled down an answer to the question jack had written for him.

jack coughs, his cheeks heating up, as he realized what he was doing. he awkwardly fiddled with the string on his hoodie, waiting for zach to finish the math problem.

"you need help?" he softly questions, leaning over zach. zach doesn't answer sitting the pencil down. he rubs his forehead, feeling a headache creep up on his from trying to solve the math problem. jack takes this as his quo to help him, sliding closer to zach so he was able to see the problem. "you're supposed to subtract that 20 to get x." he explains pointing to the paper.

"i have no clue what you just said." he groans resting his head against the table.

jack frowns, pulling the paper away from zach. maybe doing math first was a bad idea. "you just wanna work on your essay for english?" jack questions closing the math book. zach nods, getting up to grab his bag from the counter in the kitchen. he comes back, the essay rubric in hand.

time skip

jack closes the history book, standing up about to leave. he puts his stuff in his bag, grabbing his car keys form his pocket.

"jack," zach called to him, standing up from his seat. "wanna um...stay a little while?" zach awkwardly questioned. he wasn't going to admit this but he liked jack's company and wanted him to stay longer.

jack shrugs, "why not? i have nothing better to do." he says. he was surprised zach was offering for him to stay. jack wouldn't admit this, but he liked being with zach, even if he did hate him he liked being around him. maybe tutoring zach isn't going to be so bad.

jack follows zach upstairs, tagging behind him. jack was surprised when he entered zach's room. he imagined it to be messy and littered with clothes. but instead it was clean, his bed perfectly made. his room was different from the rest of the house. instead of his walls a deep beige color, they were painted blue, band posters on his wall and pictures of himself.

"nice room." jack says walking to his bed. he sits down on the edge, zach sitting in front of him on his desk chair.

the two don't say a word to the other for a good five minutes. they both just stared off into space, not knowing what to say.

"we're not friends, you know that right?" zach then spoke, his tone bitter. jack was caught off guard by the change in his tone, staring at him in confusion.

"i know that." he states rolling his eyes.

"i still hate you. nothing gonna change that." he snaps, jack rolls his eyes. knowing being civil with this kid was too good to be true. one of the latter always fuck it up by saying something.

jack stands from the bed, walking to the door. "then i'm leaving," he snickers, shaking his head. "fuck you herron." he snaps swinging the door open.

"you wish i'd fuck you."

jack rolls his eyes making his way out of the house grabbing his bag from the kitchen and he makes his way to his car.

zach herron and i cant be friends.


double update AYEEEE

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