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daniel had kept his word, the next afternoon stopping by jack's, who laid in bed, refusing to get out of it. daniel frowns attempting to reason with jack and get him out of his bed. nothing daniel offered made him want to get out of bed.

"jack c'mon!" he pulls on his arm. jack shakes his head, pulling his arm away from daniel.

"no, i just want to stay in bed." jack grumbles curling up into his blankets. daniel sighs loudly, throwing his hands in the air. jack's stubbornness was starting to grow on daniel's nerves.

"get your ass out of bed," daniel pulls the covers from his body, a hand rested on his hip as he glares sternly at jack, who was still laid in his bed. "you can't sulk over the fact zach's a dick and likely won't change."

jack frowns at daniel's words knowing what he was saying was true. zach wouldn't change, and jack couldn't do nothing about it.

"can we go get ice cream?" jack raises a brow at daniel, who smiles widely at his best friend. he nods.

jack sits up from his bed, grabbing a shirt from the floor. daniel was now sat on the edge of jack's bed, watching jack slowly get dressed, a lack of motivation in his actions.

"why shouldn't i just give up on zach?"

jack's question caught daniel off guard making him stare at jack for a few moments before answering his question.

"he needs you, he may not think it now, but one day he'll realize." daniel sends jack a small smile, hoping his words made him perk up a bit.

jack and daniel, make their way outside of jack's house, his sister surprised to see her brother out of his room.

"finally came out of their." she raises a brow, jack ignores ava, walking ahead of daniel who was texting someone. jack didn't question it.

the walk to the ice cream shop was quiet, the only sound around the two were the cars driving down the street and buzz of weekend traffic. it was a peaceful silence, one where jack actually enjoyed it, no longer having the noise of his thoughts in his head.

when they arrived, jack nearly walked right out the door, spotting the person he'd been avoiding all week.


if it wasn't for daniel grabbing his arm, sensing his friend would leave, jack would've bolted home. but he couldn't, daniel dragging him to zach.

"you set me up!" he whisper yells, glaring at daniel.

daniel shakes his head gesturing over to zach. "no he actually did."

jack glares at daniel, pulling his arm away from him. he was going to storm out, but a body in front of his stopped him.

zach touches his shoulder, holding him place so he didn't run.

"please can we talk?" zach pleads

jack shakes his head, "no we can't." and with that jack was out the door, zach staring at him longingly.

jack could feel his heart beat thumping in his chest, the sound of his breathing growing faster.

fuck daniel, what kind of friend does that?

jack walks down the street, opposite of his house, making his way into daniel and jonah's neighborhood. jack knew jonah would be home, but he didn't know if he would want to talk him, not after his stupid jack's been the last couple of weeks.

jack makes his way up to jonah's porch, hesitating before knocking softly on the door. he anxiously waited outside bouncing on the balls of his feet.

sleeping with the enemy - jachary Where stories live. Discover now