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the next few weeks blurred together, jack and zach spent most of them together. neither of them knew what they were doing, but neither of them wanted to stop either.

jack traces the lines in zach's hand, a content smile on his lips. moments like this are ones he cherishes. he didn't know when something or someone would spoil them, so now he just tries to stay in the moment, attempting to forget about his worries that looked around his head.

"i like this," zach smiles lazily at jack, his lips swollen from their previous activities. "i like us and most of all i like you a fucking lot." he smirks at jack who catches his lip with a quick kiss. jack smiles when he pulls away.

before jack could stop the words falling from his lips. "what are we?" he mumbles looking up at zach, who now was frowning, his lips pursed in thought.

fuck i fucked it up again. jack began to panic, his palms growing sweaty as he waited for zach to answer.

"honestly?" he looks at jack cocking an eyebrow.

"honestly." jack softly mutters, sitting up from his chest.

zach clears his throat. "i know i'm not ready for a relationship just yet." he spoke, looking at jack, who refused to look at him.


zach grabs his chin, pulling jack's face towards his. "but i really like you, and i don't want to fuck things up." he spoke against his lips. with every word he spoke they touched.

smiling jack leans in closer. "so does that mean we're dating?"

zach shrugs. "i don't want to label this." he points between the two.

jack frowns, pulling away from zach. before zach could pull him back, he stands up grabbing his tee shirt.

"i'm not going to be one of your conquest!" jack yells, pulling on his tee shirt.

and just like that everything was fucked up again.

before jack could make it out the door zach stops him tugging on his arm. "you didn't let me finish!" he whines standing in front of his door blocking jack from leaving. with a huff jack goes back to sitting on the bed. "i was going to say can you give me time? promise you aren't just another fuck, i genuinely like you." he held onto jack's hand, looking directly into his brown eyes.

jack softens, he had to understand that zach wasn't going to jump at the idea of dating, jack was the first guy zach had feelings for. jack had to respect that he needed time before labeling what they were.

"you're lucky i really like you." jack smiles softly at zach who sends him back the same smile.




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