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two weeks later

jack had been tutoring zach for two weeks now. the pair rarely spoke during their sessions, the atmosphere around the two tense and filled with awkward silences that could be so deafening it hurt jack's head.

zach usually was high during their sessions, jack giving up on him being sober for them. it frustrated jack that zach never listened to him, but he wouldn't tell zach that because it could blow up in his face.

jack was sat on jonah's bed, who was blabbing on and on about his girlfriend tatum, who stole the younger boy's heart the moment they met in the school hallway, their sophomore year. jack silently wished that could happen to him.

"why are you tutoring zach in the first place? it seems pointless considering you come whining to me or daniel about the shit he's done." jonah questions turning to face jack, who was laying upside down on the end of his bed, his phone in his hand above his face.

jack lays his phone down, sighing loudly. "i promised daniel i would try."

jonah doesn't say anything more about the topic, instead changing the topic.

"that besson kid is having a party tonight," jonah says looking at jack hopefully. he knew jack didn't like parties but he always seemed to ask, because asking never hurt. "you coming?" jonah looks at jack, hoping he'd say yes.

jack shakes his head, sitting up from the position he was in. "you know i don't like parties." jack rolls his eyes, grabbing a chip from the bag he stole from jonah's pantry.

"zach will be there." jonah blurts out, smirking at jack.

jack scoffs, "and i care why?"

jonah throws himself back into his bed, kicking jack, who falls off of the bed. jonah's laughter fills jack's ears making the tip of his ears turn red, and his cheeks flame up.

the sound of jack's phone halted their laughter.

jack picks up his phone, looking to see who was calling him. zach herron.

jack quickly answers, wondering to himself why zach was calling him. they didn't have a tutoring session today, seeing as it was a three day break and zach seemed to really need it.

"what do you want, herron?" jack attempts to sound bored, hiding the fact he was actually kinda giddy over the fact zach called him. he didn't know why, maybe he was just nervous about what he wanted.

"uh...you know corbyn?" he questions, jack holds up a finger to jonah, walking out the room.

"yeah? why?" he says confusion written in his tone.

zach grows quiet, bouncing on the balls of his feet. jack could just see zach's naturally pink cheeks, tinted redder. could also see zach's lip tugged between his teeth as he anxiously plays with the rings on his fingers.

"he's having a party," zach spits out.

"and...." jack says stressing his words. it was taking zach too long to say the words he was trying to spit on. jack was growing slightly impatient, his fingers tapping against the fabric of his sweatpants.

"do you wanna go?" the question zach asked caught jack off guard making him inhale sharply, his breath caught in his throat.

after a moment of silence jack speaks up "what's in it for me?" jack couldn't help but smirk, his voice deeper than usual.

zach clears his throat, "you'll get to spend time with me." zach softly says back. the tone of his voice, made jack's heart race- what the fuck just happened.

jack licks his lips, holding the phone closer to his ear. "i don't like parties."

"are you coming or not?" zach snaps, growing irritated with jack avoiding the question he had asked. "fuck you." zach mumbles into the phone, jack thought he'd hang up, but he stayed on waiting for jack to speak.

"you'd like to be fucked by me." jack jokes, the words that tumbled from his lips surprised both him and zach. but also jonah who was eavesdropping on the conversation. the sound of a person coughing made jack turn his head, jonah stood in the doorway sending jack a sheepish smile. jack rolls his eyes, shooing his friend away.

"sorry bud, i'm straight. and if i was gay i'd fuck daniel over you." zach's words hit a nerve for jack, the elder boy gripping the phone tightly.

"i'll go to the party, under one condition." jack finally says.

"which is?"

"you promise me you won't fight corbyn. i don't even know why you're going to his party." jack lets out a huff, running his fingers through his messy curls.

"no promises." jack could hear the smirk in his voice, and the smugness in his tone. he rolls his eyes, shaking his head.

zach herron was trouble.

after talking for anther good five minutes the pair say their goodbyes, agreeing that jack should pick zach up, seeing as his mother was still holding his keys hostage.

when jack walks back into jonah's room he was sat on the desk chair, arms crossed as he stared at his best friend.

jack looks at him, his brow creased. "what?" he screeches, raising a brow at jonah.

"nothing," he says stressing his words. "just wondering why you agreed to go a party with the guy you supposedly hate, but not your best friend." jonah shrugs, his tone harsh.


jonah cuts jack off. "save it. go with zach. but when this shit blows up in your face, don't come crying to me." he snaps pushing himself up from the chair.

"you're acting like a child."

jonah scoffs, "you're the one going to a party with a guy you, and i quote 'hate his guts with a fiery passion'."

before jack could say something he didn't mean, he grabs his jacket, walking out of jonah's room.

"please don't be mad at me." he softly says, hurt evident in his tone. jonah's eyes soften, walking towards jack.

"i just don't wanna see you get hurt. zach already hurt you once." jonah says. vaguely mentioning the incident freshmen year that fueled the flame with jack and zach's hatred for one another.

"i promise i won't let him."

but not all promises made can be kept.


this is just a filler the next one will be longer. a lot of shit goes down in that chapter;)

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