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the midnight breeze against jack's skin caused goosebumps to appear, the curly haired boy pulling his jacket around his body tighter.

after jack had left jonah's he walked around town, not bothering to go home because he knew daniel would be waiting there for him. he couldn't face daniel, not yet at least.

jack was now sat in the park on the other side of town, he didn't know exactly where he was but he did know this neighborhood was a little stretchy.

the sound of footsteps behind him startled him, making him turn around. when he spotted gabbie he calmed down, holding his hand to his chest.

"you scared me." he breathlessly says, shaking his head at the girl, who chuckles softly at him taking the seat beside him. she pushes a piece of hair behind her ear, letting out a sigh of contentment fall from her lips.

"it's so nice out here at night."

jack doesn't reply, he just looks up at the sky, stars scattered the sky and the moon shined brightly illuminating the night sky. jack sighed softly agreeing with gabbie.

gabbie turns to face jack studying his face. she could sense just from the frown etched on his lips something had been on his mind and it seemed to bother him.

"you okay?" she softly says, resting her chin on the table as she looked up at jack.

jack shrugs, pulling his jacket closer on his body. "i honestly don't know." jack softly mumbles picking at the loose thread of his jacket.

"what's wrong?"

jack debated on rather being honest with gabbie or not telling her at all. jack didn't know gabbie, nor did she know him.

"everything is wrong." he felt a tear fall down his cheek, not bothering to wipe it away. he shamefully stares down at the table not liking the fact he was crying in front of someone who's practically a stranger to him.

"elaborate." she moves next to him, turning to face him, jack turns away from her not enjoying the fact he was crying in front of her.

"for starters i'm gay," he flinches at the words, not used to saying them. "and to make matters worse the guy i like hates me," he pauses biting his lip. "it's more complicated now due to the fact we've been 'hooking up'," he scoffs putting air quotes around the words hooking up. "also to make more things ten times more complicated my friend hates me for liking this guy because he knows about my past and his violent one." jack refuses to look at gabbie, who was listening to everything he had been telling her.

she gives him a sympathetic, frown patting his shoulder. "does this guy happen to be zach herron?" she questions. jack coughs, indicating she was correct. "in my opinion i don't think he hates you. he's more sacred of the feelings you give him," she pauses to collect her thoughts, then continues. "it's not my place to be saying all of this, but i've seen you two around school and it's so fucking obvious zach likes you, he's just not used to accepting people into his life." jack nods, staring at gabbie who's brown eyes shined in the moonlight.

"it feels so wrong to like him." jack mumbles eyes facing the ground now.

gabbie hugs jack's side, the older boy resting his head on her shoulder.

"it just sucks liking someone who everyone says is bad for you," he bites his lip holding back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes.

gabbie doesn't say anything, instead she stares at the street lights illuminating the park in a yellow hue. she didn't know how to comfort jack, seeing as she's never been in this situation, but she did know how to be there for him, even if they weren't exactly friends.

jack stands from the bench, smiling sadly at gabbie. "i'm gonna go it's getting really late." he begins to walk backwards, gabbie nods smiling at him softly.

"promise me you'll at least talk to zach?" she questions cocking a brow at jack.

jack shrugs, turning around. "maybe."

jack had to talk to daniel first before zach.

701 words

this update is short and sucks, it's just kinda a filler the next chapter is v important and long

holy fuck this fic hit 2.8k like how???? i suck at writing. y'all amaze me with how much you like my writing, it makes me want to write more and encourages me to continue my passion. i love you all so much

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