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jack had been avoiding zach every chance he got. he couldn't face the boy, embarrassed over the fact he had feelings for him. jack was always supposed to hate zach, nothing was supposed to change. but after one stupid drunken kiss the lines between his hatred and want blurred.

jack wasn't supposed to have these feelings, especially for a guy he despised. this was wrong. yet it felt so right.

jack needed to rid himself of these feelings. so he did the one thing he thought he'd never do. he hooked up with aspen, a girl who kept bugging him their sophomore year to hook up with.

jack thought hooking up with aspen, a girl, would make him stop thinking of zach. but it did the opposite, all he could think about was zach when he kissed her. he thought about how this felt wrong, and how her lips didn't give him the feelings zach's did. he felt nothing, but he forced himself to continue. after aspen left that night jack cried himself to sleep, his naked body curled under his blankets.

i'm not gay. he repeated to himself almost as if it was a mantra and if he said it enough it would be true.

jonah was still doing his best to ignore jack, making sure he gave him the coldest glare every time he saw him. daniel was the only one trying to keep things together. he hated the fact jonah and jack were fighting because that meant he'd have to be the one to fix things.

jack late in the night, phones daniel, not caring if it was two am and daniel was trying to sleep. he needed someone to talk to who he knew would listen to him whine and complain.

"what do you want jack?" daniel groggily says, a yawn spilling from his lips as he held the phone against his shoulder blade. "it's," he pauses looking over at the time. "2am. what's up?" he questions.

jack licks his lips, staying quiet an awkward silence filling both lines. jack didn't know how to tell daniel his feelings or what he wanted exactly, struggling to form the correct words he wanted to say.

"i hooked up with aspen." he softly says closing his eyes tightly, trying to will the memories of her lips on his skin away. he wanted to forget all about it.

"and?" daniel questions now sitting up against his headboard, the phone still tucked between his shoulder blade.

jack sighs. "it felt wrong. all of it was wrong." he cries out, broken sobs falling from his lips. maybe it was his lack of sleeping making emotional, or it was the fact he couldn't stop thinking about zach who he was avoiding.

"jack, it's going to be okay," daniel softly says, frowning as he heard the sobs of jack through the phone. it broke his heart watching jack struggle, falling for a boy who obviously would hurt him. "just take things slow."

"it's not okay!" he shouts, sobs tumbling from his lips. "i...i can't like zach." a whimper falls from his lips as he tightly closed his eyes, trying to make the tears go away.

daniel sighs sadly, "just get some sleep jack," he replies. "i'll come over tomorrow and we'll talk."

after saying their goodbyes, jack hangs up the phone, laying back in bed. he stares at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep. but whenever he closed his eyes he saw aspen's naked body, making him cringe.

jack didn't sleep that night, tossing and turning as he thought about zach.

i fucking hate you zachary dean for making me feel this way.

word count; 613

short update next one is longer and a lot of shit goes down.

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