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jack was sat in fifth period his phone tucked between his legs, away from the teachers view was going on a tangent about something he no longer was paying attention to. he was too busy texting zach, who just so happened to text him first out of boredom.

are we still meeting next period?
why do you want to meet anyway.

to study duh

what's with the winky face????

oh nooooothing

jack shakes his head, tucking his phone back into his pocket that went off again. he ignores the text, going back to listening to the teacher.

jack sighs sinking into his seat, a swarm of butterflies filling his stomach, as he thought about kissing zach again. he cringes mentally shaking the thought away, pulling his paper closer towards him.

fuck i need to stop thinking about zach. i'm not fucking gay.

it's not that jack had a problem with being gay, it's more of the fact his family was the ones with the problem. they installed in his head, well his father did, that being gay was a bad thing. which meant jack wasn't allowed to be friends with daniel, who came out his freshman year. the year everything for jack got fucked up and messy.

jonah was the only person who knew about that year, he was the only one jack cried to, he was the only one who comforted him and promised not to tell daniel. it would break daniel's heart and their friendship if he ever found out.

the bell rings, making jack quickly get out of his seat, people staring at the boy who rushed out the door, and dashed down the hallway. he wanted to get zach as fast as possible. even if he didn't realize how fucked up all this is.


zach sat on the bleachers in the music room, his back leaned against the railing that wasn't the most sturdiest thing. he glances to the door, playing with the ring on his thumb.

maybe he ditched me? shut up zach, why do you care? he fought with himself, getting lost in thought. he was so lost in his thoughts he didn't feel a presence sit beside him. when he felt the hot breath of the presence against his neck a smirk arose on his lips.

when jack's lips made contact with his neck, he moves it to the side giving jack a better view of his neck. he pampers the soft skin with kisses, smirking against his neck. he was going to get payback on zach for leaving his mark on him.

jack nibs at the skin, biting and sucking the area, his tongue skimming over the newly forming hickey he definitely wouldn't be able to hide.

"i...i thought we were gonna study." zach chokes out breathlessly.

"this is better."

jack mumbles against his neck, making zach arch his back.

"what are we doing?" jack questions, pulling away from zach now. he gave him a serious look, distancing himself from the boy who he wanted to grab and kiss so fucking bad. "like why are we making out? i'm not gay." he shakes his head playing with the frayed string on his ripped jeans. he refuses to look up at zach who's eyes were glancing else where but jack.

"i don't know but i like it," he smirks smugly, moving closer to zach. "i still hate you, but you're a pretty damn good kisser." he jokes his legs now wrapped around jack's.

"are we like enemies with benefits?"

zach laughs, resting his head against jack's shoulder, his laughter vibrated jack's body, making his heart race.

"you could say that." he calms down from laughing, small chuckles falling from his lips.

"i'm sleeping with the enemy." he softly says lips hovering close to zach's. he closes the space, between the two connecting their lips in a kiss, that was purely fueled by desire and want.

i wanna fuck jack avery.

word count; 665


short update this is kinda just a filler.

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