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zach laid back in his bed, tracing the lines in his ceiling. he couldn't sleep that night, his thoughts drifting and making worry course through his bones.

he didn't understand why jack was making him feel this way. he hated the way he was letting jack in, he was supposed to hate jack, he always was supposed to. nothing was supposed to change. but after one drunken night, everything he once tried to push away came flooding back.

i can't like jack.

but why did zach crave the elder boy, wanting his lips against his again? why did he feel empty without him? zach had so many questions but he was too terrified of the answer.

he thought it would be a good idea to try to talk to jack, but the boy didn't want to talk to him, pushing him away. zach wanted that, he wanted jack to push him away. but why did it hurt so much?

zach sighs, rolling over in his side to look at the time. in bold red numbers the time read 5am he had to be up in an hour for school, but he couldn't sleep, his thoughts not turning off.

zach throws his blanket off, grabbing his phone and a hoodie. maybe a walk around the block would help take his mind off of things.

zach sneaks down the steps, trying not to wake his mother who was a light sleeper. he grabs his slip on vans once he finally makes it to the door. he closes it softly behind him.

"zach?" a voice startles him, making him turn around to see corbyn standing in front of his house.

"stalking me?" he rolls his eyes walking down the steps.

"no my girlfriend lives a few houses down." he points down the street, gesturing to the house zach passed by everyday on his walk from school.


corbyn follows beside zach, who silently was hoping he wouldn't try to converse with him. zach wasn't in much of a talking mood.

"what's going on with you and jack?" corbyn questions out of the blue. corbyn had taken notice to the pair since jonah and jack's argument over zach. corbyn was curious as to why zach was allowing jack in but couldn't let him.

"nothing." zach mumbles tightening his hoodie around his body. corbyn looks at the boy doubtfully shaking his head.

"it doesn't seem like nothing. if it was nothing jonah wouldn't need a reason to be mad at jack." corbyn states, trying to coax an answer out of zach.

zach sighs, "we hooked up. there you happy?" he grumbles walking ahead of corbyn who stumbles back slightly shocked by zach's answer. he knew he'd say something like that, but it still shocked him to hear the words fall from zach's lips.

"you're what?" he questions walking quickly to catch up with the shorter boy, who was growing more annoyed by him.

"we hooked up." he softly says rolling his eyes walking faster again, he wanted to get away from corbyn as far as possible.

corbyn doesn't take the hint following after the grumbling boy. "when did you....you start?" he slowly questions, crossing and uncrossing his hands.

zach lets out a groan sensing corbyn wasn't leaving him alone. "the night of your party after i fought you." zach lowly says his voice low.

"are you guys still?"

zach doesn't answer because he didn't know the answer to his question, jack still not talking to him nor coming over to tutor him.

zach just shrugs as answer, walking away from corbyn, who this time didn't follow behind him, he went his own way, likely going back home seeing how early it was.

zach on the other hand sat outside on the porch his head tucked between his knees as he watched the quiet streets, the sun rising in the distance painting the once dark sky in a light orange hue.

a breeze rustled between the trees, making goose bumps arise on zach's arms that were covered by his thin hoodie. zach pulls the sleeves farther down his arms, hugging his knees tightly.

zach's thoughts drift to jack. he missed jack, he wouldn't admit a loud but zach missed him. he missed not only jack but the feeling he got being around him. since jack was gone everything felt empty like before and zach didn't like that. he oddly liked feeling complete. and jack was the one person who made him feel that.

why is it so hard to say i miss him?


| jack |

jack had not slept all day, he instead paced back and forth in his bedroom, his heart pounding in his ears. he tired to think of what to say to daniel, but everything he said he knew couldn't fix what was going to happen.

jack had his phone in his right hand, the other anxiously shaking as he looked over his text message to daniel asking the boy to meet him at their spot they used to play at when they were kids. he contemplated rather or not he should just keep everything to himself about freshmen year and never tell daniel or come clean and possibly lose a friend. he wanted to go with option one, but living with the guilt of not telling daniel likely would eat him alive like it was now.

the moment jack pressed send on the message his world froze, everything around him blurry for a moment and his heart pounded loudly in his ears.

sure jack, i'll meet you later today
jonah told me you talked
you okay?

jack doesn't reply back, sitting his phone down on his bed.

there was more to freshmen year than his homophobic father and zach herron. there was more pain that jack tired to forget about, moments he didn't want to remember.

there was also more to why he hated zach that year more than before. and the reason being the fact it was jack's freshmen year that he realized he was different. he hated zach because he couldn't like him. he refused to like him. jack thought if he hated zach it would make the feelings go away. boy was he wrong.

masking his feelings towards zach with hatred just made them stronger because he knew he could never have the boy.

or so he thought


holy shit this fic just hit 4k like i'm so surprised my writing is so shitty. but you guys seem to like it. i love you guys so much. 

go check out my new fic nudes

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