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| corbyn |

the faux blonde haired boy was sat in class,, his leg shaking nervously as he waited for zach herron to stop ignoring him. all week since corbyn came back, zach did his best to ignore corbyn, refusing to talk to the boy who just wanted to befriend him.

today zach seemed upset, more than he usually was, corbyn could sense something was bothering the younger boy, who's lips were pursed and his head was resting in his hands, his eyes drooping every now and then. any normal person who didn't know zach would just think he was tired, but corbyn could just see he was struggling with something and he wanted to help zach, but he knew the boy wouldn't allow him to.

"we may not be friends, but you can talk to me, z." corbyn softly whispers to zach, who sits up, glaring at the elder boy.

"you'd be the last person i talk to," he sneers resting his head back on his chin. he scoots away from corbyn, who stares at zach, obviously hurt by the comment and the fact zach still was icing him out.

truth was the fight between zach and corbyn before he got expelled was all because of zach. he was growing tired of this besson kid forcing his way into zach's life, he did not want that. so zach did the only thing he knew how to do. he fought corbyn, pushing the boy away, who just kept forcing himself into zach's life one way or another.

zach did not have friends, nor did he want any. he was content(barely) with having no friends. it was better this way. no one to hurt but himself.

corbyn grows quiet, opening and closing his mouth, trying to find the right words to say. nothing comes out, corbyn turning around in his seat to face the front of the room, his head tucked between his arms as he left a sigh fall from his lips.

why is zach such a child sometimes?


jack's back was pushed against the front door, zach attaching his lips to his, the boy unable to contain himself around jack. it also didn't help jack was teasing him the way to his house, making him squirm in his seat.

zach trails his lips up to jack's ear, nibbling at the skin. "let's go study." he whispers backing away from jack who was a breathless mess. he glares at zach, who smirked at him. two can play at this game.

zach walks into the kitchen with a frustrated jack behind him, his keys tightly gripped in his hands as he tried to calm his teenage hormones.

"i hate you, you know that. right?" jack lowly mumbles sliding into the chair the farthest away from jack.

"ditto, avery." he smirks widely, pulling himself closer towards jack.

zach could hear jack take in a breath, as he nibbles on his earlobe. jack lets out a low groan, pulling himself closer to zach.

"what do you want to do today?" zach whispers into jack's ear. a shiver ran down jack's spine, from the feeling of his breath tickling his ear.

jack closes his eyes tightly, "we...could...fuck...work on your essay." he stutters out. the feeling of zach's lips against his collarbone was enough to make him a stuttering mess. he enjoyed the feeling of his soft pink lips against his skin.

zach with a teasing smirk pulls away, moving his chair back to its rightful place. jack just stares off into space, his thoughts jumbled.

"two can play at the teasing game." zach smirks deviously, pulling his essay from his book bag.

"i hate you herron."

time skip

the pair had not gotten a lot of studying down today. instead after a heated argument over a math problem the pair ended up in zach's bedroom, jack on top of zach their lips attached to each other.

"don't tell anyone about this." zach says, breathlessly, as he laid on his back staring at the ceiling fan. jack rests his head against zach's chest, looking up at him his eyebrows scrunched up.

"why would i tell people i'm hooking up with you," he scoffs shaking his head. he sits up from their laying position, untangling his body from zach's. "i hate you remember? this is wrong anyway." he softly says a twinge of hurt appearing but he forces it away.

"then why are you doing it?"

jack grows silent, looking anywhere but zach who's shirt was across the room, along with jack's which had been discarded during their makeout.

jack stands from the bed, looking around the room for his shirt. he finds it near zach's dresser. he quickly slips it on, ignoring the burning stare zach was giving him.

"i...um...am gonna go." jack mumbles gesturing to the door. he doesn't take one last glance at zach, he just rushes out of the house, his breathing rapid as his mind raced.

what the fuck am i doing? this is all wrong.

jack slams his hands against the steering wheel, growing frustrated with himself and these thoughts zach had been giving him. he also was angry at the fact he was allowing them to happen.

i'm supposed to hate zach.

jack parks his car behind daniel's the elder boy needing to talk to someone who understood what was going on.

jack knocks on the door, daniel's mother appearing.

"oh hi jack!" she happily says welcoming him inside. "daniel's upstairs." she points to the stairs, going back to whatever she had been doing before jack had arrived.

jack makes his way up the stairs, the sound of a guitar playing softly rang throughout the hallway. when jack knocked on his bedroom door, it stopped.

"come in," he shouts. jack twists the knob walking inside, daniel stares at him, and then his eyes travel to jack's neck, that was littered in more hickeys than before. "please tell me you're not hooking up with zach." he examines the hickeys, his eyebrow furrowed.

jack grows quiet, a tear falling down his cheek. daniel notices, pulling jack in for a hug. he rubs his back, allowing the curly haired boy to cry on his shoulder. sobs fell from his lips, no longer able to hold them in.

daniel pulls away from the hug, wiping the tears from jack's face. jack smiles softly at the gesture.

"do you like zach?" daniel's question caught jack off guard the shorter boy coughing slightly. a blush rose to his cheeks tinting them red.

"he hates me what's the point of liking him?" jack softly says staring down at the floor. daniel frowns at jack, feeling bad for the boy.

"give zach time," daniel pats his shoulder, not knowing exactly what to say. "he'll come around." he sends jack a smile, the smile obviously fake.

"what if he never comes around and hates me?" jack questions sitting down on daniel's bed. "jonah already hates me for going the party with zach." at the mention of jonah's name jack frowns, remembering what had happened early today.

"jonah just is trying to protect you. he knows the shit zach's done." he frowns.

jack wanted to tell daniel the real reason jonah was so hesitant about zach. but he couldn't find it in himself to tell his best friend.

why do i have these feelings for zach? if only i never fucking tutored him from the start.

1242 words

here's an update. it kinda sucks but it's also kinda important to the story.

8 letters is a bop holy fuck.

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