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the feeling of jack's lips against his elicited a moan from his lips, his back arching when jack's hands ran up his sides. jack tugs on his bottom lip, sucking.

"jack." zach moans as the elder boy lets go of his now swollen lips.

jack rolls off of zach, laying flatly in the other side of the bed. a smile of contentment on his lips.

zach looks over at him, taking in everything. he bites his lip examining jack's shirtless body. zach was lucky.

"zach!" a voice that didn't belong to jack yells startling him. "zach!" they yell again. the voice belonging to corbyn besson. 

zach grumbles, rolling over. it was all just a. dream. he sighed sadly looking over at corbyn who crossed his arms.

"you haven't been to school all week. you know you'll get expelled indefinitely." corbyn says sitting down on one of zach's beanbag chairs.

"what's the point in going when jack's not gonna tutor me?" zach shrugs swinging his legs off his bed. jack still wasn't talking to him, he even went as far as blocking him on all social media platforms and his number. zach wondered why, but was too afraid of the answer he would get.

corbyn throws a pillow at him, the pillow hitting zach right in the face. "you still need to attend school. you're lucky i convinced them to not expel you." corbyn rolls his eyes shaking his head.

"you didn't have to do that." zach grumbles walking to the bathroom. when he saw his reflection in the mirror he grimaced, turning away. zach had not showered in days, nor made an effort at doing his hair.

"jack's been worried about you." corbyn randomly says making zach pop his head out from the bathroom scrunching his brows up at corbyn in confusion. the last time he had saw jack, the older male couldn't get away him faster. it surprised zach hearing that jack didn't hate him like he had thought he did.

"if he cared he'd stop avoiding me." zach huffs, grabbing his toothbrush form the holder.

"jack's just confused," corbyn says sitting on the edge of the tub. "he'll come around, give him time." corbyn sadly smiles.

"you know this doesn't make us friends?" zach says mouth full of toothpaste.

corbyn shakes his head, "what's so scary about having friends?" corbyn questions folding his arms together.

zach sighs, he didn't want to get into detail this early in the morning. he makes his way back into the bathroom spitting out his toothpaste, and gargling some water.

"it just is corbyn." he softly says grabbing a random hoodie from the floor. the hoodie he grabbed happened to be jack's, which made his chest clench, jack's cologne still lingering on the fabric of the hoodie.

zach clears his throat, grabbing a pair of sweatpants.

"can you leave so i can change?" corbyn nods standing up. he waits outside the bedroom, crossing and uncrossing his arms as he waited for zach.

"you dressed yet?" corbyn questions after a minute of not hearing zach move around.

when corbyn twisted the knob, he found zach sitting on his bed, his phone in his hand and a look of confusion and hurt on his lips.

"what's wrong?" corbyn questions startling zach, zach clears his throat throwing his phone to the side. but corbyn saw what he had been looking at.it was the instagram post aspen had posted of her and jack, obviously drunk and making out. that was practically the reason corbyn had also stopped by, even if zach didn't consider him as a friend he knew zach would be hurt from the post, sensing he also had feelings for jack.

sleeping with the enemy - jachary Where stories live. Discover now