1. Death's Mistress

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(I started this in the Facility. I've got about 70 pages written but I need to type and edit it so here's the first of this Fanfic. This will be a multi-partner fic where fem!harry ends up with all the Original men. If you don't like it, don't read it.) 

The war was over and Violet Potter was tired; tired of fighting, crying, and all the anger that had amassed to pool deep inside of her. She'd watched the way Bellatrix's skin melted from her muscles and bones as Violet held the fiendfyre to wrap itself around the older woman. She rejoiced as her enemies were felled by her wand. It had been a few days later that Violet felt that something was wrong.

It may have seemed strange but she thought it perhaps caused by lack of sleep and the strain of having all of the dead laid at her feet. Her night terrors had become so terrible that she'd have to wait until her body was so exhausted and her eyes were burning until allowing her eyes to shut in restless sleep. Sometimes it would even keep the nightmares at bay.

Today, Luna had decided to drop by and force Violet to go to Gringotts. Violet was too exhausted to argue with the small blonde about going to a bank or not.

"Why are we here? You still haven't told me, Little Moon," Violet said as both girls stepped up the stairs to the bank. One girl with wavy blonde hair and the other with black and red hair stood side by side in front of two Goblin guards holding their battle axes. The Goblins glared at all the witches and wizards that passed through their doors, it wasn't personal.

"The Humdinger told me to lead you on your next Great Adventure," Luna responded with a dreamy voice as she led Violet by the hand inside. "Don't forget to sneer, Vi."

Violet snapped her eyes to the Goblin Teller staring and sneering their way before glaring with a sneer that showed her teeth before saying, "May your gold flow, Brother Goblin."

The Goblin was a bit surprised but smiled more ferally before giving his response. "Crush your enemies at your feet, Sister Warrior."

Goblins hated witches and wizards so the only time they would acknowledge one would be as a fellow warrior instead of as 'witch' or 'wizard' as she had called 'Goblin'. Violet understood his shock that she understood Goblin Culture. She had been locked up in Malfoy Manor with Griphook and then on the run with him alongside for a while and had learnt their ways out of sheer need of breaking the monotony of running and hiding. Luna had been thrilled to learn something new about a species that has been so secretive when it came to the wizarding world.

Luna still looked dreamy but her mouth had twisted into a snarl which seemed an oxymoron if Violet had ever seen one but there it was. The Goblin didn't ask what they needed, just merely swept out of his seat and walked towards a hallways, expecting the two females to follow closely behind.

It was no secret who Violet was and it was obvious what they had come for. The Goblin led them down hallways at a quick pace which never failed to surprise Violet. How could something so tiny walk faster than her twice as long legs?

They finally ended up in front of a door with a golden engraved name tag on the stained wood, 'Sharpfang'.

"Violet Potter here to see Sharpfang, her accounts manager."

"That'll be all, Quickvenom."

The younger Goblin said something in Gobbledygook before bowing and leaving the three occupants alone in the room.

"Master Goblin," Violet began before flashing teeth, "I've come across the knowledge that my inheritances have been withheld from me. I wish to have this resolved immediately. Of course at a price willingly paid after we've reached an agreeable compromise."

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