7. Monster

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His body was lithe and lean with muscles honed from a time where he wielded axe and blade. Finn was littered with scars and there was even a long scar from claws which ripped into his flesh, clearly a deathly blow for anyone else.

Violet reached forward to carress the deathly wound.

"The wolf who killed Henrik gave one last shot of taking another of my Father's children. By then we were gone on bloodlust from my Mother's curse, that she put on us."

"It isn't a curse," Violet said as she grabbed a calloused hand, "Without this, I would never have met you. I'm thankful."

This seemed to surprise Finn. Violet walked backwards towards the tub with Finn in tow. She took a step into the heated water and felt the calming draught begin to relax her muscles. Finn followed closely behind and shivered as the heat surrounded his naked flesh for the first time in almost a millenia.

He relaxed and Violet slid closer until she could push him between her legs with his back resting against her chest.

"I can feel your nipple torture devices against my back," Finn mumbled as the calming draught worked into his muscles.

"Do you like them," Violet asks curiously.

"I would like anything shall it pertain to you, my love," he murmered as Violet began kneeding his shoulders with nimble fingers.

"That doesn't answer my question really," she insisted.

"Yes," he hissed as she got her thumb into a certain knot.

Violet smirked before carressing her hands up the sides of his strong neck and into his scalp. She massaged the years of tension from his head as though to take it all into herself. Finn had stopped talking and allowed himself to relax into his mate's ministrations.

Violet moved on and conjured a shampoo made by witches that disentangled even braids, once ran through the long tresses that Finn had. After smoothing it through, she watched as her red hair combined with his blonde and couldn't help but remark on how it looked as though spilt blood on pale flesh.

"Don't we just make a pretty picture," she commented jokingly as her soapy hands made it to his chest to pull him flush against her body.

Before he could react, she'd used magic to capture their moment together.

"What did you do," he asked with a slight slur. He could feel through their link that she had done something, just not what.

"Took a picture."

"Like a painting?"

"Yes, but ours move," she answered. "Did you not see any moving paintings or pictures within the Black Manor before we changed locations? I was mildly distracted."

"No, there weren't any. May I see it?"

Violet raised a hand to conjure the image she had just taken. It showed Finn relaxed with a peaceful smile, his chest partially out of the water with Violet wrapped around him. The water gave them modesty but the picture was both beautiful and sensual, as you noticed Violet smoothing her dainty hands across his broadened chest. Their hair looked like a swirl of pale flesh with splashes of blood.

Finn's eyes slightly teared up at the amount of love and care he could read on Violet's face. His hand reached out to touch the picture but it passed right through.

"I will make a hard copy of it after, if you want."

"Yes," he answered easily, before turning in Violet's arms to capture her lips.

He kissed her like a drowning man and she was his air. When he pulled back, his green eyes seemed to hold just that little spark of light that made Violet smile broadly with bruised lips.

"Let me wash my hair and we can get out," she said.

"Can I wash it," Finn asked cautiously.

"Of course."

She handed him both the magical shampoo and conditioner before telling him which was first. Violet faced him in order to wash both their bodies of grime as he stroked strong yet gentle hands through her tresses.

By the time they exited the bath, Violet felt as though her skin had absorbed the entire contents of the tub. Clothes were already set aside for them and she ignored hers in favor of helping Finn into his own. He wasn't completely aware of how they worked. Violet was glad the House Elves had settled for a normal acromantula silk button up shirt and slacks instead of jeans. She wasn't positive how Finn would appreciate constricting clothing, although she was positive he'd look good in them. Violet was just hoping he kept his hair long.

"Can I brush and braid your hair?"

Finn startled and glanced into Violet's sincere green eyes before nodding his assent. Violet led Finn towards the vanity and sat him on a cushioned bench before procurring a brush and beginning to run it through his long hair.

"I am glad Nik daggered you," Violet said. Finn began to protest but she continued, "I'm glad he daggered you because if he hadn't, I fear what you would've done to yourself before now. I can see you Finn. You lost the will to live almost a millenium ago. Do.. Do you still wish to die? Am I truly not worth living for?"

Violet had finished braiding his hair down his back and had stepped away after asking him such a thing.

"I am a monster," he responded with conviction.

"If you're a monster than so am I, Finn. Your answer merely proves to me that you don't want me more than you do your own death.. You can sleep here. I will ask another of my mates if I can sleep with them. I know then that they will not leave me willingly."

She turned and hurried from the room as tears blurred her eyes. For Violet, finding her mates was meant to be love and family that she never had and now one of them didn't seem to care enough to merely live.

Finn could feel the heartbreak, as could Violet's other mates; the only difference is he didn't go after her like the other but instead sat to think about his mate's words.

(I think this is the shortest chapter I've published. Oops. But at least it's an update.) 

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