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(I don't plan on this being a long Fanfiction so if things seem fast, that's why. I may go back later and add more filler but idk.)

"What?" Violet was the one to ask. Death took a napkin to clean his mouth. 

"Creatures that exist within this and other Realms are created by either existing Gods and Goddesses or Unique Creatures. You were born as a Hybrid but that doesn't constitute a species. You were able to create Vampires for a time and now you have created Hybrids. You will begin to gain powers that Violet and I hold but never the same. You were made into a God but we were born into this," Death explained. 

"Soon we will have need of his new creatures," Luna said serenely.

"Yes. It'll come soon," Death agreed. 

Violet could feel something as well and she knew Niklaus could as well but they didn't know what it was, only that he needed to make more Hybrids; quickly.  


Skull popped up in front of Violet with a serious look.

"You are needed in the floo room," he said to Violet. 

Violet felt a chill before apparating with Death behind her. Death stood back at the sight he could see. Andromeda laid bloody and dying with little Teddy in her arms. 

"Take him, Viola," she wheezed out. "The ministry has turned against anything Dark."

Andromeda took one last shuttering breath as Teddy laid fitfully in Violet's arms.

"What happened," Violet asked as she controlled her magic and voice. 

Death pulled Andromeda's soul out of her body and allowed her to pass through him. He took a shuddering breath before locking gazes with his Sister. 

"We are about to open our immense home to the Dark, Sister. Follow my instructions. I cannot do this unless you command me. The ministry has put an 'all kill' out on anything they deem 'Dark'. Command me to collect the ones in Britain or they will all die. Command me to heal their wounds. Now! I feel their lives blinking out, Violet."

"Death, I command you to collect all the Dark Creatures and Followers of the Dark. Heal their wounds and bring them to Castle Mordred!"

Pops began to ring out and bodies filled the Castle. They knew where they were and they knew who had saved them. Death added more rooms until it became a fortress. 

"Sister, command me to use your power to create your own Dimensional Space. As Goddess of Discord, this is allowed."

"Death, I command you to use my magic to create a hidden yet prosperous land; manors and forests, rivers and waterfalls. Create an Oasis for the Dark."

A sucking force drew out of Violet and she felt empty and weak but she knew Death was merely borrowing her magic. Those Werewolves and ex-Death Eaters who ended up in Mordred Castle had either gone in search of their Family or ordered their House Elves to secure their belongings.

Skull popped up in front of Violet, right after Death returned her magic. Teddy slept through it all because of the slight silencing ward that was placed around him within Violet's arms.

"Mother Darkness, Death's Violet, there are an abundant amount of angry Goblins at the door.. Magic side, Mistress."

Violet breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't viewable by the muggles. Why the Goblins though?

"They are labeled Dark and battle honed warriors."

"Before that," Violet paused and used sonorous on her voice to echo throughout the Castle. "Many of you know me as Violet Potter. But here you shall call me Mistress of Death. I've given all in the Dark or of the Dark Sanctuary after the Ministry put out a Kill Order and sent off Hit Wizards to your homes. Why should I help? You may be wondering. I assure you that I'm very Dark," she allowed her Black Magic to spread out to touch everyone, including the Goblins who were also listening. "Know this! I will have your obedience whilst staying within my walls and my Dimension. Otherwise feel free to go back to be hunted in Britain. You may go to Luna if you need help locating your families."

Luna popped up next to her as she called her name. With that resolves, Violet changed as she walked and ended up in a tube top dress that slit up one side and was a v-cut to expose her delicate flesh. Her arms seemed to ooze black until both hands, to the elbow, were covered in black gloves. She gently handed Teddy off to Skull and ordered him to watch the babe in her room. Her ensemble ended with her open toed heels that laced up her calf. 

Violet allowed her hair to fish braid down her back until it rested against her butt. Her dress had an open back which exposed all that golden skin to everyone present. The only thing that was 'marring' the beautiful image was the sign of the deathly hallows on her neck and the snake formed tattoo on the side of her face made of parseltongue. Many hadn't seen Violet Potter since the battle at Hogwarts and she was completely different. This was a true Dark Lady. She was joined by all four of her mates in a united front. 

Four Hybrids followed closely behind with their eyes eerily glowing like a wolf but the vampire veins fully on display. The Werewolves stared at them in wonder.

"My Mate is Hybrid born. Any wolves that wish their curse of the moon gone can easily ask for his favor," Violet said with her head held high and gripped Niklaus' arm to drag him along.

She created a silencing bubble so it was just them before she told him, "I did it this way so that they follow you out of loyalty and not out of a sire bond. It is easy to lose that control with a sire bond but loyalty never falters. Nik, they will come begging you and look to you as their benefactor. Let it be so," Violet hurried to say as she felt his irritation. Niklaus relented at her logix instead of having to force them all and chase them down or worry about betrayal, this way would be better.

Violet ended the Silencing Bubble and looked around to notice other Dark Creatures, like Vampires and even some that she had created, roaming about; unsure of themselves or their welcome.

Mother Darkness Becomes Death's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now